Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3616: Fly to survey the land 1

Although the Great Elder was ordered by Nangong Linfeng to think behind closed doors, it was almost the same as resignation, but there are still some great elders who are diehard elders still thinking that the Great Elder can come back.

Otherwise, the family will not have their status in the future.

"Elder, what should we do now?" An elder asked the elder worried and anxious.

The elder clung to his knees with his hands tightly, his eyes burst out with light, and he gritted his teeth, "Mu Yue, this time it’s all because of Mu Yue’s wicked bitch. If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have become like this !"

"We can't kill her at all!"

"Yes, I heard that there are many masters around her!"

"Although I have recently heard that there is something to do when going out, I think it is still very difficult to kill!"

Several elders were talking over there.

The great elder raised his head and looked at these elders, with a cold light in his eyes, and said, "As long as you go outside, you have a chance. You can find a chance!"

"But, it wasn't a report before, didn't that **** want some kind of mountain? Even if it was rescue, there would be no one!" An elder suggested.

Another elder asked caringly, "Who is going?"

"I don't know this. If you really want to do it, take advantage of it. Now is the best opportunity!" Another elder explained.

The elder squinted his eyes, "If this is the case, then find the Shangguan family!"

"However, the Shangguan family may not necessarily help now!" An elder frowned and said worriedly.

The elder sneered, and said faintly, "There will be someone, and I will send dead men and people from the Shangguan family to do it together!"

Haha, how could there be no one, a member of the Shangguan family, but there are people who are eager for Mu Yue to die.

"it is good!"

At the same time, someone sent news to Nangong Wanting.

Nantong Wanting looked at an old man in front of him, gritted his teeth, "Well, we cooperate, we must kill her before she comes to the Shangguan family!"

Originally, you could let your son kill her.

However, she didn't want Mu Yue to come to the ancient martial arts world, because her appearance was just hitting her in the face.

As long as she saw her, she felt that she was pushed to replace Nangong Yuehua's Shang Guanxiang.

Therefore, he would never allow Mu Yue to enter the ancient martial world.

She didn't kill Mu Yue before, and she really couldn't send a killer. Moreover, there was no good time. I heard that Mu Yue was always protected by a master.

Now I heard that Mu Yue had gone out and there were few people around, so she was suitable for starting. Naturally, she would not miss such a good opportunity.

"The great elder said, he will send some dead soldiers here, and the second lady, you should also send more dead soldiers on your side. Only in this way can you kill Mu Yue without fail!" The confidant elder reminded the great elder. Said.

Nangong Wanting nodded, "Okay, I know, I will, you decide a good time to tell me, I will send someone to go with you right away!"

"Okay! I'll return to the Great Elder!" The elder nodded and said.

Nangong Wanting looked at the figure of the elder leaving, her eyes gleaming with coldness.

"Mu Yue, you wicked species, you want to enter the ancient martial realm, dream, I will not let you enter the ancient martial realm, let alone let your mother and daughter get together!"

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