Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3618: Fly to survey the land 3

Upon reaching the destination, Ye Tianming placed Qi Chuan on the ground. Qi Chuan's legs softened and he couldn't stand firmly, and he sat down on the ground.

"Useless guy!" Ye Tianming lowered his head and glanced at Qi Chuan disgustingly.

Qi Chuan looked up very innocently and glanced at Ye Tianming depressed. He wanted to say, "I'm not you!"

Ye Tianming seemed to understand the meaning of Qi Chuan's eyes, curled his lips, and squirmed with his mouth. "Look at the little bun, it's not as useless as you!"

Qi Chuan subconsciously followed Ye Tianming's eyes, and saw that a little bun was held by his father Xiao Junyan's back against his chest, his limbs were waving wildly in the air, and his little mouth was still over there, "babble," Babble, babble, fly..." yelled something.

"Little bun, really amazing!" Ye Tianming walked to Xiao Junyan with a smile, grabbed the little bun's hands, and waved.

The little bun, who had just flown all the way, was still in a state of excitement, talking to Ye Tianming in a daze that he couldn't understand.

Mu Yue touched Xiao Baozi's face, and it was a bit cold, "When I go back, please slow down! Be careful to catch the cold!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, and looked at Xiao Baozi playfully, "I did it on purpose just now!"

Yes, he did it on purpose to let this little bun realize this feeling.

But the little buns are still very good!

As expected of his son Xiao Junyan!

Mu Yue heard it but understood that if Xiao Junyan didn't want the little bun to be blown by the wind, he could use his strength to form a protective film on the front of the little bun to block the wind and prevent the wind from hitting the bun and not let him catch a cold.

"Hmph, it's better not to catch a cold after going back!" Mu Yue stared at Xiao Junyan dissatisfiedly, and said accusingly.

The corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth twitched slightly and nodded, "Okay!"

Mu Yue didn't bother to talk to Xiao Junyan anymore, her task was very heavy, so Xiao Baozi had to be brought by Xiao Junyan!

"Master, is the place you mentioned is near here?" Mu Yue walked to the side of Dongfang Sheng and asked.

Dongfang Sheng nodded and explained to Mu Yue, "This is this place, you see, there is a river at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by mountains and forests, it is best to plant Chinese medicinal materials!"

Mu Yue looked in the direction of Dongfang Sheng's finger. In order to make it easier to see the place, he first looked at the top of the mountain to see where is best for planting, and then went to see if the land was suitable for planting.

"Jun Yan, just wait here for a while, Master and I will go down and take a look!" Mu Yue turned his head and said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Go down, leave it to me here!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue glanced at the little bun who was still excited about playing with Ye Tianming, then turned and went down the mountain with Dongfang Sheng.

Xiao Junyan watched Mu Yue go down the mountain, and then looked down at Xiao Baozi and Ye Tianming there, babbling and babbling. It seemed that the two were arguing, and Xiao Baozi's face was red.

Ye Tianming was still happily arguing with Xiao Baozi seriously, and he could see that Qi Chuan on the side was holding his head.

Qi Chuan was only responsible for determining the address, and then he could follow Mu Yue's instructions and arrangements.

Moreover, because he was dragged by Ye Tianming to fly in the air, his legs are soft now, and he can't understand walking, so stay here obediently and take a rest first.

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