Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3622: Little Bun's Early Warning 1

The headed elder was an elder of the Shangguan family, and he brought the dead members of the Shangguan family.

A group of people were the first to ambush in the mountains and forests.

"Where are they now?" the elder asked the people in black.

The man in black reported, "According to their schedule, they will stay here!"

The elder nodded, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, "Okay, tonight, assassinate them again!"


Mu Yue and others didn't know that someone was waiting for them.

Sure enough, just as the elders of the Shangguan family speculated that Mu Yue and the others had indeed set up a tent in the open space nearby.

After handling everything, Mu Yue began to look through the documents, frowning tightly together.

"Oh, the speed should be faster, and then slower, there will be no way to complete it before the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Qi Chuan nodded, "Yes! However, we have also found a lot of places. It is too late. You can stop for a while. Now it's almost the same!"

Although calculated in terms of time, such a formation is indeed a bit slow, and it may be that it cannot be completed within the specified time.

However, after finishing all the itinerary, there are many selected places, which can solve the immediate urgent need.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded and said, "It can only be done like this!"

Although it is a pity that I can't determine all the places, but if it can be two-thirds, it should be good.

In the future, as long as there is a chance, it is still possible.

"Don't be anxious!" Xiao Junyan walked over with tea, squatted beside Mu Yue, and said with concern.

Mu Yue raised his eyes, took the tea, and took a sip with a smile, "Well, I'm not in a hurry, I still have a chance in the future, I will talk about it later, there are actually a lot of these now!"

According to the company's current production schedule, the places I have found are actually the most fully covered areas. There are many hills in the planting areas. If the actual development and planting are carried out, the production volume will already be very large.

Qi Chuan also nodded in agreement, "There are indeed quite a few, in fact, this is almost the same as the company's development!"

"I just want to solve it all at once, and I won't have to come with the master next time!" Mu Yue said with a faint smile, "Moreover, I am also worried that because some people are slower, the environment will be worse. This is not good!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan also nodded in understanding.

Because of those people, several places that Mu Yue liked were destroyed, a lot of resources were lost, and so many places were ran away.

As long as Mu Yue runs for nothing and suffers for nothing, Xiao Junyan is unhappy.

The result of Xiao Junyan's upset was that he asked Ye Tianming to write down and send someone to rectify the people here after he returned to Beijing.

Mu Yue naturally didn't know what Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming did secretly. She only did her own things, and those who destroyed the bad environment didn't know these things.

It can only be said that because of their greed, they hurt themselves.

It is really too cheap for them to exchange their miserable life with the destruction of the environment.

"However, when I came out this time, I also saw it. In fact, many places are not developing well, and many people rely on the heavens for food!" Mu Yue sighed.

Xiao Junyan touched Mu Yue's head and said indulgently, "They don't want to make progress, they only guard their own one-acre three-point land, don't think too much!"


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