Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3625: Dark Night Killer Assault 1

The movement on the side of the tent was also noticed by the killers of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family, but now that the medicine has been taken, they cannot miss this opportunity.

So, they have to do it.

Mu Yue watched the little bun in Xiao Junyan's arms crying there all the time, and sighed helplessly, but then his brows were closely wrinkled together, "No, there is something wrong with the air!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Junyan raised his head and looked at Mu Yue puzzled.

Mu Yue sniffed deeply, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, "There is a smell of medicine in this air, and...there is medicine that can harm your body! Damn it!"

Xiao Junyan smelled it, but didn't smell it, but seeing Mu Yue's appearance, he also believed it, "What's the matter?"

"Someone prescribes medicine, no, I'll go to the space to prepare the antidote first!" Mu Yue quickly said to Xiao Junyan, "There must be someone who wants to kill us. You have to take care of the little bun. I think he should have noticed it. What, don't let anyone in!"

Now that he couldn't bring the little bun in, he had to be outside, and suddenly his voice stopped, which would make them aware of something, and there was no way to buy time to develop an antidote.

Xiao Junyan nodded, stretched out his hand and shook Mu Yue's hand, "Don't worry, don't be too pressured, I will protect everyone!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, and stepped into the space.

Xiao Junyan watched as Mu Yue flashed into the space, turned his head and looked outside, a strong killing intent flashed under his eyes.

Who on earth wants to start with them!

As Mu Yue said, the little bun was crying, and the elders of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family dared not bring anyone over.

Although Xiao Junyan had been holding the little bun and coaxing over there all the time, they were also worried that Xiao Junyan's cultivation base would be high, and even if they were poisoned, they would not be able to kill them immediately.

However, when the effect of the medicine was about to be brought into play, they couldn't wait. They had to take advantage of the other people's cries to kill them by surprise.

While coaxing the little bun in his arms, Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at the zipper of the tent, his whole body was alert, and he had prepared a saber shining coldly in his hand.

It's a pity that I can't remind Mu Yu outside of them.

The elder Shangguan walked to the elder of the Nangong family and asked, "Can it be done?"

The elder looked up at the sky, then looked at the tent, gritted his teeth, "Well, you can't miss this good opportunity!"

The elder of the Shangguan family nodded, and raised his hand to wave to the black-clothed killer behind him.

A group of black-clothed assassins hiding in the woods jumped out one after another, heading towards the empty frame at swift speed.

When the killers moved and came towards them, Xiao Junyan noticed and looked in the direction where the killers came.

"The killer, the cultivation base is very high, there are a few practitioners who practice emptiness and harmony!" Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes, "hehe, it seems that he is from the ancient martial arts world! Looking for death!"

Thinking that this matter might have been done by the ancient martial arts world, Xiao Junyan had a strong killing intent towards the people of the ancient martial arts world.

After all, there are very few people who have a cultivation base that surpasses the cultivation of the virtual and the Dao. There are so many forces in the Huaxia Nation, only people from the ancient martial arts world.

The people in the ancient martial arts world still wanted to hurt Mu Yue at this time. After all, it was difficult to receive news recently because they were busy looking for a Chinese medicinal planting base.

These people, Xiao Junyan didn't need to think about it, but knew that their purpose was to kill Mu Yue, not to kill him and Mu Haixuan.

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