Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3627: Dark Night Killer Attack 3

Mu Yu walked to Mu Haixuan and the others on alert, and said in a low voice, "We are all poisoned, they poisoned the air just now!"

"What!" Hearing Mu Yu's words, Mu Haixuan, Dongfang Sheng and Ye Tianming were all taken aback in shock.

Ye Tianming clenched his fists, feeling that the cultivation level in his body was declining, "What is going on, I feel that the cultivation level in my body is declining!"

Xiao Junyan walked over with the crying little bun, but compared to the crying at the beginning, it was already a lot smaller.

"These medicines can only weaken our cultivation base, your cultivation base is high, so the rate of decline is not so fast!" Xiao Junyan explained.

Mu Haixuan heard it, and suddenly he frowned and asked Xiao Junyan in concern, "Where is Xiao Yue?"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Haixuan and said, "Yue is developing an antidote, which is very safe!"

Speaking of the last four words "very safe", Xiao Junyan's voice is very heavy. This is to remind Mu Haixuan that Mu Yue is not in the tent, but in the space, which is very safe.

Hearing what Xiao Junyan said, Mu Haixuan nodded, "Okay, how long do we need to hold on?"

"I don't know, but as long as possible!" Xiao Junyan said in a gloomy voice.

Mu Haixuan turned his head to look at the killers, with a cold light in his eyes, and looked at Dongfang Sheng, "Master Dongfang!"

Dongfang Sheng raised his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, I haven't done it for a long time, so I will take this opportunity to do it! Now I am waiting for Mu Yue to develop the antidote, she can!"

As Mu Yue's master, after he sensed something wrong with his body, he also knew what poison he had been in, and what medicine he needed to dispense to be able to come into contact with the poison in his body.

He doesn't know who these assassins are, but if you dare to rob and kill them, you have to be a little psychologically prepared.

"Master, how long does it take?" Ye Tianming asked Dongfang Sheng quickly.

Dongfang Sheng thought for a while, "it will take at least half an hour!"

"Then we have to hold on for at least half an hour!" Ye Tianming gritted his teeth, turned his head and glanced at that Qi Chuan and another staff member were still in the tent, but they still didn't know the situation outside.

Qi Chuan, who were ordinary people, naturally couldn't resist this poison and fell asleep directly, which is why they haven't come out yet.

They can use their power to resist, the price is that their cultivation base is declining, but this decline is only temporary, but now they are being besieged and killed. If their cultivation base can't decrease, they must be detoxified.

The killers all glanced at each other, hesitated, then raised the ice blades in their hands one after another, and attacked Xiao Junyan and Mu Haixuan.


Suddenly, the cold light flashed, Xiao Junyan took out the baby belt, tied the little bun to his body, patted the little bun, "Son, don't move!"

The little bun actually listened to cry at this moment, raised his head, blinked a pair of big watery eyes, looked at Xiao Junyan, his fleshy little hands clenched into fists, as if cheering for Xiao Junyan, the milk screamed milkily. Xiao Junyan, "Dad!"

"Good!" Xiao Junyan touched Xiao Baozi's head, and a spoiled look flashed through his eyes.

But when he looked up, the gentle color under his eyes instantly turned into a cold killing intent, and there was already a cold gleaming saber in his hand.

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