Xiao Junyan's figure had always been blocking the tent they were staying in just now. He saw two old guys suddenly rushing towards the tent where Mu Yue was in, and suddenly knew their purpose.

The figure also flashed, blocking the entrance of the tent, the saber in his hand drew out, cold light flashed, and the powerful inner strength flashed out of the saber.


The powerful inner strength collided with the two elders of the Nangong family and Shangguan family who were flying in.

Knowing the cultivation bases of Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, the two elders sent out are both very high-ranking in the family, and their cultivation bases are also very high.

However, at the moment when Xiao Junyan's strike collided, the two old guys collided with their powerful internal forces, and were directly knocked out by this powerful internal diameter, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Puff!" The two old guys fell heavily to the ground, a mouthful of red blood spurted from their mouths.

Xiao Junyan's figure also took a step backwards, and a smear of blood spilled over her thin **** red lips.

He didn't use all his strength to completely resist the collision of energy just now, and there was still a part of his strength, which he used to protect the little bun in his arms and prevent him from being harmed by internal forces.

After all, Xiao Baozi's body is still very weak, unable to withstand the impact of this powerful ability.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Junyan will be backlashed by this powerful internal force.

Red blood dripped on Xiao Baozi's pink, chubby face.

The little bun raised his head and looked at Xiao Junyan with his eyes pierced. He opened his arms and sparkled tears in his big dark eyes, "Ah! Dad..."

Hearing the soft and waxy voice of the little bun, Xiao Junyan looked down at the little bun in his arms, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to wipe the blood on the corner of his lips, and also helped to wipe off the blood on the face of the little bun. .

"Don't worry, Dad is fine!" Xiao Junyan comforted Little Bun softly.

Although he didn't know if Xiao Baozi was really worried, whether he really knew how to worry about such things, but he still comforted Xiao Bao, not to let him panic, let alone not let him be frightened by the scene before him.

Although it may be necessary for him to experience life and death in the future, it is not now. Now he still needs to take good care of him.

The little bun licked his little head in Xiao Junyan's arms, and continued to scream, "Dad, Dad..."

The little bun at this time really didn't know, but his sixth sense was super strong, and he only felt that his father seemed uncomfortable, so he coquettishly comforted Xiao Junyan.

The two elders of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family, who were shocked by Xiao Junyan, got up from the ground and stared at Xiao Junyan at this time.

They didn't expect that Xiao Junyan, who was poisoned and whose cultivation base had declined, would be able to catch the full attack of the two of them alone.

Although Xiao Junyan was injured, it was already shocking them.

Xiao Junyan comforted the little bun, then raised the hand holding the saber again, two thin lips uttered cold words, "Old guy, look for death!"

The elder of the Shangguan family and the elder of the Nangong family looked at each other and nodded. Now that they have already taken action, they naturally have no reason to give up. They are shaped like cannonballs and attacked Xiao Junyan.

They no longer have any leeway, they can only kill Xiao Junyan first, or take the opportunity to kill Mu Yue in the tent.

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