Mu Yue put the sleeping little bun into the crib, allowing him to sleep peacefully.

After setting up the little bun, Mu Yue walked to the bed to see Xiao Junyan's situation.

Xiao Junyan, who was closing his eyes to heal his injuries, felt Mu Yue's appearance. After finishing work and opening his eyes, he saw that Mu Yue was looking at him worriedly.

The **** thin lips raised a slight curve, softly comforting Mu Yue, "It's okay, don't worry!"

Mu Yue sat on the side of the bed and threw herself into Xiao Junyan's arms, hugging his neck, her voice was a little dull, "Fortunately, you are fine!"

When she first comforted Xiao Baozi, she didn't show her weak side.

However, as soon as he leaned into Xiao Junyan's arms, Mu Yue couldn't control his emotions and wanted to cry.

When he saw Xiao Junyan's embarrassed look almost covered in blood, Mu Yue was really worried about what would happen to him.

If something really happened to Xiao Junyan, she really didn't know how she should survive, whether she could live with her children.

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue on her lap, let her sit in her arms, and gently patted her back, "Isn't it all right with me? Don't worry!"

Just now it was Mu Yue holding the little bun to comfort him, now it is Xiao Junyan's turn to hold Mu Yue comforting.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, leaning against Xiao Junyan's arms.

She also watched it just now. Xiao Junyan took the healing medicine. After closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, the internal injury had recovered 40-50%, at least there was no problem.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and smiled at his little wife who was stuck in his arms. The smile on the corner of his lips was even more gentle. He lowered his head and kissed her, slowly moving down, and finally, kissed her moisturizing lips.

"Um..." Mu Yue widened her eyes and looked at Xiao Junyan's magnified handsome face. There was a deep love in her eyes, but she was very helpless.

But considering Xiao Junyan's injuries, he quickly pushed his chest and took a lot of effort to push him away.

After taking a few breaths, he gave Xiao Junyan a bit of anger, and yelled in dissatisfaction, "You are still injured now, you should close your eyes and heal your injuries first, I'll go out first 1"

However, Xiao Junyan still held Mu Yue into his arms, hugged her tightly, not letting her leave, and said in a low voice, "Don't leave me!"

But Mu Yue was a little helpless, patted Xiao Junyan on the shoulder, "Don't do this, you still have to rest, if your injury does not recover, how can you protect me, how can you protect our son? You can't do anything, do you know? ?"

Xiao Junyan pursed his lips, looked down at Mu Yue in his arms, and nodded gently, "Well, good! But you stay with me!"

"I'll be with you!" Mu Yue smiled softly and stood up from Xiao Junyan's arms, "I'll go to the next door to get some medicine, presumably Ye Tianming outside and they are all injured, I have to prepare medicine!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded softly, and did not stop Mu Yue again, letting her leave.

And Mu Yue saw that Xiao Junyan's injury was beginning to recover, so she went to deal with her own affairs, and by the way, she went to develop some healing medicines for her father outside.

What happened this time reminded her that she still needs to prepare more of this kind of injury medicine, especially if she goes to the ancient martial arts competition, she will suffer internal injuries casually.

Therefore, he had to prepare some medicines to treat internal injuries. It was really rare to encounter such things before, and there were too few internal medicines prepared in the space. This time, she was given a big reminder.

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