Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3639: Healing, Interrogation 2

Ye Tianming came out of the tent, looked at the corpses on the floor, and shook his head, "Unexpectedly, a lot of people came last night, **** it, I dared to give the medicine, otherwise, I will take a minute. I will be able to kill you in seconds!"

Mu Yue saw Ye Tianming, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Have you recovered from the injury?"

"Recovered, but some wounds haven't healed yet!" Ye Tianming smiled and ran to Mu Yue, and said with a thumbs up, "Sister-in-law, your internal injury medicine is really useful. After taking it, I will spend one night. It's restored!"

"Don't look at who I am!" Mu Yue said with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, confidently.

Ye Tianming said with a smile, "That's, who is the little sister-in-law, the descendant of the mysterious doctor!"

Mu Yue snarled at these corpses and said, "You will dispose of these corpses first, by the way, clean up the environment here, take down some tents, and change places. This place is no longer suitable for rest. Jun Yan's injuries It’s a bit heavy, and you need to rest for two days before you can leave!"

Ye Tianming heard Mu Yue's words with a worried look on his face, "The boss was seriously injured? Is it serious?"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, he has recovered a lot with me!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ye Tianming listened, and then he was relieved, patted his chest and said, "Yesterday I saw the boss blocked all the attacks in order to protect the little bun, oh , By the way, is the little bun okay?"

Thinking of Xiao Baozi, Ye Tianming couldn't help but worry. Yesterday's situation was very chaotic, and he didn't care about Xiao Baozi.

If such a cute little bun is injured, he really wants to kill all the Nangong family and Shangguan family. Even so, there is no way to relieve the anger in his heart.

Mu Yue smiled and said comfortingly, "You also said that Jun Yan blocked all the attacks. Therefore, there is no injury at all. Don't worry, it's just that I was frightened and I am still sleeping!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, "As long as the little bun is okay, I'm relieved, I was really worried about what hurt the little bun yesterday!"

Mu Yue smiled, "It's just frightened, it's okay, don't worry!"

"Well, then I'll go ahead!" Ye Tianming greeted Mu Yue with a smile, and went to pile up the corpses first.

Fortunately, the temperature in this mountain forest is a bit low. One night, these corpses still didn't have any corpse smell, otherwise, they really couldn't stay!

As soon as Qi Chuan saw Ye Tianming coming out, he ran over quickly, "Ye Shao, these people are dead, are they really okay?"

Although it was okay to ask Mu Yue, Qi Chuan was still worried!

Ye Tianming was taken aback, then waved his hand, and said indifferently, "If you die, you will die. Anyway, they deserve to die. Don't worry, these people are dead men and killers, and the country will not be counted on you. Don't worry, help me deal with these corpses first!"

"Oh!" After hearing Ye Tianming's words, Qi Chuan nodded comfortably, and put down half of the stones.

It's just that, looking at these corpses are incomplete, and most of them are separated from the head and the body, and they are all looking terrifying!

It's a terrifying rhythm.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianming and the others started so crazy yesterday.

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