Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3644: Light bulb small buns 3

Xiao Junyan walked out of the tent and saw everyone playing with the little buns.

"Oh, grandpa's little baby, why are there tears on his face? Who is bullying you?" Mu Haixuan asked with concern, holding the little bun, wiping the tears from his face.

The little bun naturally sold Xiao Junyan without hesitation, and grievedly complained, "Dad!"

"Your father bullied you? Why did you bully you?" Mu Haixuan frowned when he heard it, and asked Mu Yue.

Little Bun covered his little **** with his fleshy little hands, " hurts!"

"Your father beat you?" When Mu Haixuan heard it, he felt distressed. He touched the little bun's meaty butt, which was soft and even more distressed. How could this stinky boy get off. Hand?

"Hmm! Fight! Bad!" The little bun lit his head, eyes full of tears.

"Okay, Grandpa will avenge you!" Mu Haixuan nodded, holding the little bun and came to Xiao Junyan, still with a bit of anger on his face, he scolded, "Smelly boy, did your father do this? Son, what a great promise!"

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes, his gaze fell on the little bun in Mu Haixuan's arms. This stinky boy is really getting bigger and more likely to sue.

The little bun is not afraid of Xiao Junyan at all. He just feels that he has someone to support him now. He waved his little hand and said, "Smelly baba, fight!"

However, Mu Haixuan did not pretend like Mu Yue did. He actually beat Xiao Junyan a few times, "Grandpa will help you beat Dad, so that he will dare to bully you again in the future!"

"Gluck..." Seeing that his grandfather was also helping him beat his father, Xiao Baozi was immediately happier and let out a burst of crisp laughter.

Mu Yue had a good breakfast, and looked at Mu Haixuan, Xiao Junyan, and Xiao Baozi, two big and one young, and shook his head dumbly.

"Dad, have porridge!" Mu Yue called Mu Haixuan and the others.

The little bun was happy, and Mu Haixuan happily held the little bun and went to eat breakfast first.

Mu Yue came over and glanced at Xiao Junyan with an unhappy expression on his face, smiled and put his arm around his arm, and said softly and comfortingly, "Don't be angry, my son is so young and doesn't understand anything, so why is he mad at him? ?"

Xiao Junyan was aggrieved and hugged Mu Yue's slender waist and buried his head in her neck. "You only want your son now, don't want me!"

He was really sad. He was the most important in Mu Yue's heart before, but since having a son, he found that he was becoming less and less important in Mu Yue's heart, always favoring it.

When Mu Yue heard this, he was even more dumbfounded. This man was really more and more lovely.

"Who said that? It is you, not the son who can spend my life with me. The son is for other women. Why should I want him and not you?" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Xiao Junyan," I care about him now, it’s only because he is young. When he gets older, you can take care of him. I don’t care, how about it?"

"Okay!" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Xiao Junyan held Mu Yue's hands tightly and nodded, feeling very happy.

Mu Yue pushed Xiao Junyan's chest and reminded him, "Okay, hurry up and eat breakfast! After eating, we have to hurry up, let you rest and heal your injuries these days!"


Because of the assassination of people in the ancient martial world, Mu Yue's plan to kill Mu Yue was delayed for a few more days.

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