Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3647: Treatment after return 2

After Mu Yue treated Christopher, she went to treat other patients.

Xiaomi Luo was making noise in the room, screaming to see Mu Yue, but the Jasper couple pressed him to prevent him from leaving the room.

When Mu Yue came in, Xiao Miluo exclaimed happily, "Auntie!"

"Xiaomiluo, it's been a long time!" Mu Yue smiled and waved to greet Xiaomiluo.

With a bright smile on Xiao Miluo's small face, he threw himself into Mu Yue's arms, "Auntie, Milo missed you so much!"

Mu Yue smiled and patted Xiaomi Luo on the back lightly, "Auntie misses Xiaomi Luo, too. Does Xiaomi Luo obediently listen to his parents?"

"Yes!" Xiaomi Luo nodded heavily.

Jasper looked at his son and Mu Yue so close, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

As a mother, Anita was a little bit savory, but she still smiled at the relationship between her son and Mu Yue.

Mu Yue put Xiaomi Luo on the bed, "Auntie just heard that Xiaomi Luo was making noise in the room, isn't it bad?"

Xiaomi Mi Luo shook his head and explained, "No, Milo wants to see Auntie, but Dad is better than Mommy for not letting Milo see Auntie!"

"That's it!" Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiaomiluo's head, thinking that his son would be so cute and well-behaved when he is so old in the future, "Auntie, isn't this coming? Auntie, come and have a look. How is the recovery!"

"Miluo's body is great!" Xiao Miluo shook his small fist, exposed his arms, and showed off to Mu Yue.

Jasper smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Milo's body is recovering very well. After you left, Dr. Mu has not been sick. Moreover, we also took him out for a walk, and there was no illness! "

Seeing the situation of his son Milo, Jasper was not to mention how happy he was, and he even more hoped that his son would get better.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, taking the pulse for Xiaomi Luo, and found that Xiaomi Luo's heart had gradually developed under the power of his Nine Color Stones.

The biggest reason for Xiaomi Luo is heart disease caused by underdevelopment of the heart.

Now, under the nourishment of the strength of Mu Yue's nine-color stone, the heart has gained strength, keeping up with the growth of Xiao Miluo's body, and with Mu Yue's treatment, all the hidden problems have been solved one by one.

"Very good, very good!" Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiaomi Luo's head, and said, "In the future, Xiaomi Luo will go wherever he wants to go, and let your parents take you there!"

"Yeah!" Xiaomi Luo nodded his little head heavily, and then asked Mu Yue curiously, "Auntie, what about brother?"

"Brother, he is at home and can't play with you anymore!" Mu Yue said to Xiaomi Luo with a smile.

After hearing this, Xiaomi Luo felt a little regretful and couldn't play with Xiao Baozi.

Jasper looked at Mu Yue expectantly and asked, "Doctor Mu, when will my child recover?"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "The first course of treatment will soon be over, and Xiaomiluo's heart has also been fully developed! This way I can carry out the second course of treatment!"

"Then please come to Dr. Mu!" Jasper and Anita both said to Mu Yue gratefully.

Mu Yue nodded and said, "This is what I should be. Xiaomi Luo is very cute and well-behaved. I also like it very much. I will definitely cure him!"

"Thank you!"

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