Qian Lejun grabbed Nangong Wanting’s wrist and quickly persuaded, “Wanting, we still don’t want to take medicine anymore. We have done so many and have taken so many medicines. Moreover, Nangong Linfeng has also found so many superb medical skills. The doctors of, have no choice but to treat her body, and Mu Yue will definitely not be cured! She is only a few years old and young, even if she is a descendant of the mysterious doctor, her medical skills are not high!"

In Qian Lejun's heart, Mu Yue's age is only twenty years old, even if he has been studying Chinese medicine since he was sensible, it has only been ten years.

In the past ten years, how can you compare to those masters of Chinese medicine who have been studying Chinese medicine for decades?

Therefore, Qian Lejun was not worried at all, that Mu Yue could cure Nangong Yuehua's condition and relieve the poison in her body.

However, Nangong Wanting must kill her, making her very embarrassed.

Nangong Wanting still said angrily, "She can cure her own mother, but she still has her master!"

Yes, what Nangong Wanting is worried about is not Mu Yue, but the master who is standing behind Mu Yue, Dongfang Sheng, who is currently the head of the mysterious doctor.

She was very sure that if Mu Yue could not treat Nangong Yuehua well, she would definitely go to her master. Her master was not her yellow-haired girl, so she would definitely be able to cure Nangong Yuehua.

"Even if her master came here, what would it be like? Didn't you say that your poison is very powerful? Someone from the Shangguan family gave you the poison, and no one can cure the poison? Isn't it Mu Yue? Can your master solve it?"

Qian Lejun has always been short-sighted and selfish, and he rarely studied those medical techniques. Therefore, at this moment, he is very confident in the poison that Nangong Wanting brought back.

What if Mu Yue found her master? The medicines of their ancient martial arts are all secrets passed down from ancient times, and even the mysterious doctors may not be able to remove them.

Nangong Wanting said, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

"You, he is so unreasonable!" Qian Lejun sighed slightly, shaking his head, waved his hand and said, "If the Xuanyi School is really so powerful, it has already entered our ancient martial world, and will not stay in the secular world. , Maybe, the inheritance is broken, only the name is left!"

Qian Lejun has never been out of the ancient martial arts world, so she looks down on the secular world very much. She had also heard of the great turmoil in the secular world before, and many inheritances were cut off, and she also felt that the Xuanyi school was also implicated .

If it was so powerful, Nangong Linfeng would have looked for it a long time ago, and would not look for it until now. Instead, he has found his granddaughter.

"Wanting, listen to my advice, don't think of a way to drug Yuehua, I don't believe that wild species has such ability!" Qian Lejun comforted Nangong Wanting softly, "Don't worry too much. , Let’s take a good rest when you go back, look at you, recently because of this incident, your expression has become a lot haggard!"

Nangong Wanting touched her face and said bitterly, "I just can't get angry!"

"Okay, don't be angry, that's it, you are too hard here, and you will find something wrong with Nangong Linfeng, you should go back quickly!" Qian Lejun urged Nangong Wanting to say.

Nangong Wanting can only nod reconciledly, "Well, I know, then I'll go back first!"

However, they didn't know it was because their stopping gave Mu Yue the opportunity to heal her mother, Nangong Yuehua.

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