Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3658: Lively Mid-Autumn Festival 4

Elder Xiao heard that Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi were coming, and quickly got down from the stairs.

"Oh, baby is here, grandpa heard your laugh upstairs!" Grandpa Xiao quickly walked into the hall with a smile and looked at the little bun who was sitting on the sofa with a crisp laugh. .

The little bun raised his head and looked at Mr. Xiao, waving his hands happily. The laughter is still so crisp, and it makes people feel happy to hear it.

Elder Xiao squeezed Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin away, picked up the little bun, and kissed the little bun's chubby face.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin sat on the ground with their faces depressed and dumbfounded.

Are they disgusted by their grandfather and grandfather?

"Grandpa, how can you be like this? Seeing the little buns squeezed my granddaughter away!" Xiao Fengyi said with a bit of gritted teeth and taste.

He didn't eat the jealousy of this little baby bun, but felt very depressed. They used to be a treasure in the old man's heart, but now they are not as good as the grass.

Du Xueqin was also depressed, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely, "That is, grandpa, you have a great-grandson, so don't want our granddaughter and granddaughter!"

Elder Xiao held the little bun in his arms, turned his head to look at Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin, and said disgustingly, "They are all such grown-ups, and they are like children. Can you compare with the little ones? Go out, don’t be afraid of being ashamed!"

Then he turned his head and said to the little bun in his arms, "Little baby, look, your two aunts are really getting more and more naive, and they rob you! Isn't it shameful?"

Little Bun blinked a pair of lovely big eyes, looked at Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin, then showed a brilliant toothless smile and giggled again.

Du Xueqin and Xiao Fengyi immediately became ashamed and depressed, "Anyway, if you have a little bun, grandpa, you don't want my granddaughter!"

Elder Xiao sighed and sat on the sofa, "You, you are really right. At the beginning, among you little ones, I was most worried about Jun Yan. Unexpectedly, hehe, he was the first to find The other half was the first to give birth to a baby for my old man, you, hurry up, if you don't hurry up this year, I will arrange a blind date for you!"

Xiao Fengyi, who was urged to marry, was even more depressed, with a bit of gritted teeth, reminding Father Xiao, "It's almost the end of this year!"

Elder Xiao nodded and said, "Yeah, so you have to work harder, don't you? Little bun? Do you want a younger brother or younger sister too?"

The little bun stood on Father Xiao's legs, jumping happily, seemingly very happy.

Xiao Fengyi only felt that he was making a big blush, and stomped his feet, "I'll go to the kitchen to help!"

Du Xueqin looked at Xiao Fengyi who had fled from the wild, and smiled happily. She is still early, so there is no need to worry about being urged to marry.

"Little bun, aunt, come and hug!" Du Xueqin patted her hands and said to the little bun.

The little bun turned his head and expressed rejection, and continued to be supported by the hands of Old Man Xiao, two legs that could not stand upright, swaying left and right over there.

For him, except for his own mother, everyone else is uncomfortable. He has to stand, and stand upright like the smelly papa.

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