Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3675: Enter the ancient martial world 3

Mu Yue and others have reported that there is a passage of forty to fifty meters, and the scene in front of them suddenly becomes open and bright, and there is a dense jungle in the eyes, as if they are in a primitive jungle.

However, in the center of this dense jungle, there is an open area, and in that area, there are many buildings, where the people of the entire ancient martial arts live.

"Is that where the Guwu family lives?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Now they are standing on the side of a high mountain, and they can see at a glance the large living area that is almost inexhaustible.

Xiao Junyan nodded and said, "Well, it's here!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, and said, "I really didn't expect this to be the Ancient Martial Realm. No wonder, I couldn't find it no matter how I looked for it!"

I thought that I had sent someone to look for it before, but I couldn't find it. It turned out that it was because this ancient martial world was in another world.

This area can be seen if it is in the air, but it cannot be seen outside the enchantment, which means that this ancient martial world is equivalent to another space.

Who could have imagined that the place where the ancient martial arts world is located is in this space.

"Let's go!" Xiao Junyan said softly.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, followed behind Xiao Junyan, and jumped up, stepping directly on the treetops and leaping forward.

The little bun, who was held in Mu Yue's arms, immediately waved his little hand happily. He was the happiest to fly, and it felt so fun.

Xiao Junyan heard the laughter of the little bun, turned his head and took a look, came to Mu Yue's side, and directly hugged the little bun into his arms.

The noisy little bun looked up and met Xiao Junyan's cold face. The smile on his little face disappeared a lot, and he yelled at Mu Yue, "Mom..."

But Mu Yue waved his hand to the little bun directly, and walked forward, "Son, let your father hold it. Your father holds the most comfortable hold. Mommy is leaving first, you come after Mommy!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue, who was a little bit playful, and the corners of his lips raised a slight arc. He lowered his head and glanced at the little bun who was pouting his mouth in his arms.

"Yu'er, let's go chasing Mommy, okay?" Xiao Junyan asked.

The little bun listened, raised his head, and nodded fiercely, "Mom..."

He wants to chase Mommy so he won't be left behind. He wants Mommy.

Xiao Junyan smiled softly and followed Mu Yue with the little bun in his arms.

Mu Yue turned his head and glanced at Xiao Junyan who was chasing after him with the little bun, and waved, "Come on, little bun, as long as you catch up with Mommy, Mommy will hug you!"

When the little bun heard Mu Yue's words, he happily patted Xiao Junyan's shoulder with his little hand, and shouted, "Mom...Dad...Mom...Mom..."

I won't talk about other things, just turned to look at Mu Yue, then turned to look at Xiao Junyan, which means that Dad will chase mother quickly.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes, deliberately two steps behind, and stopped holding him if he couldn't catch up. Wouldn't it be great?

A certain man didn’t want his wife to hold his son and deliberately slowed down his speed. This made the little bun in his arms rush, his face turned red, and his little hands patted Xiao Junyan’s shoulder anxiously, urging him to speed up. .

However, no matter how the little bun was worried, Xiao Junyan didn't speed up his speed. This made the little bun very anxious. If it wasn't for his inability to walk or fly, he would have gone by himself.

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