Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3698: Detoxification Pill Detoxification 3

Mu Haixuan gritted his teeth, "Okay, very good, that old bitch, after investigating it, I will definitely not let her go, and her daughter, I will never let it go!"

Thinking of Nangong Yuehua lying in bed for so many years, his heart was filled with hatred and anger.

Mu Yue turned his head to comfort Mu Haixuan, "Dad, don't worry, I will let them know and offend us!"

At this time, Qian Lejun didn't know that Mu Yue had already guessed about her, and Nangong Linfeng was also suspicious of him.

Nangong Linfeng looked guiltily at Nangong Yuehua on the bed, and it was also painful.

He had completely believed Mu Yue's words. Although Mu Yue was still very young, how could he not believe Mu Yue's inheritance as a mysterious doctor, plus what Mu Yue said she saw?

Thinking that all of this might have been done by Qian Lejun, Nangong Linfeng felt very complicated and painful.

Mu Haixuan doesn't think about Qian Lejun now, only hopes that Nangong Yuehua can wake up and look at Mu Yue expectantly, "Xiao Yueer, when can you treat your mother?"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "It's all right now!"

The Detoxification Pill is in her space, and can detoxify Nangong Yuehua and cure diseases at any time.

"Well, you hurry up!" Mu Haixuan said to Mu Yue hurriedly after listening.

He couldn't wait to hope that Mu Yue could help Nangong Yuehua detoxify and then rescue her, then everything would be perfect.

He believed that Yimu Yue's current ability and medical skills would surely be able to succeed.

Mu Yue nodded, walked to the bed, took out the detoxification pills Xiao Junyan had given her, and stuffed it into Nangong Yuehua's mouth lying on the bed.

Then he took out the silver needle and gave it to Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Linfeng and Mu Haixuan were both nervously watching Mu Yue giving Nangong Yuehua the needle, with boundless expectations in their hearts.

They all prayed secretly in their hearts that Mu Yue would be able to treat successfully.

Xiao Junyan held the little bun and stood at the end of the bed, watching Mu Yue treat Nangong Yuehua with acupuncture and moxibustion.

Seeing Mu Yue's silver needle treatment, Xiao Baozi waved his little arm in Xiao Junyan's arms, making his body jump.

"Mom, mom..." Xiao Baozi's lovely big eyes circulated on Nangong Yuehua and Mu Yue on the bed.

For him, it is still difficult to distinguish, so he is very curious about his mother and grandmother who look similar.

Xiao Junyan looked down at the little bun in his arms and explained to her very carefully, "This is your grandma, and your mother is treating your grandma!"

The little bun turned his head, looked at Xiao Junyan, blinked his big cute eyes, still seemed very confused.

Xiao Junyan looked at such a cute little bun, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he touched his little head.

As long as Nangong Yuehua returns, their entire family can be considered to be truly complete.

He always knew how much Mu Yue was looking forward to, that his mother, Nangong Yuehua, could return home, and then the family would reunite.

And he naturally hoped that Mu Yue could be reunited with his family.

The few people in the room were full of expectations and hope for Mu Yue, hoping that she would succeed.

No matter who it was, he didn't want to see Nangong Yuehua like this.

Mu Yue also carefully used the detoxification pill taken by Nangong Yuehua through the silver needle with internal force to dissolve the medicine and relieve the toxicity in his body, and then give her physical treatment.

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