Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3708: Aggrieved Shangguan Shadow 1

Everyone was shocked by Xiao Baozi, although they were having lunch and talking, but the eyes looking at Xiao Baozi were full of inquiry.

The little bun, who had never been able to eat anything, bulged his small mouth, which was still drooling, watching Mu Yue eat.

The little bun who couldn't eat anything suddenly became furious. Seeing the bones that Mu Yue had eaten on the table, her big eyes narrowed.

It seems that there was a bad guy bullying his mom just now!

Thinking of this, the little bun turned his big cute eyes and swept towards Shangguan Ying who was eating, a flash of light flashed in his dark eyes.

The fleshy little hand directly grabbed the bone beside Mu Yue's bowl and threw it towards Shangguan Ying, who was lowering his head to eat meat.

With a "shoo," the bone that Xiao Baozi had lost in his hand hit Shangguan Ying's head accurately.

Shangguan Ying was hit by a bone, and there was a miserable howl in her mouth.

Everyone was shocked by what happened suddenly, all of them raised their heads, turned their heads, and looked at Shangguan Ying who was holding his head and screaming.

Shangguan Ying held her head angrily, yelling, "Who, which **** dares to hit me!"

Seeing Shangguan Ying's embarrassed appearance, the little bun suddenly gave out bursts of clear laughter.

Mu Yue glanced at the little bun in his arms who was so happy that he almost danced in his arms, and then looked at Shangguan Ying, the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled, and there was a little sympathy in his eyes.

She did not expect that Xiao Baozi would do such a thing, it was a sudden attack!

Xiao Junyan raised his head and glanced at Shangguan Ying, then looked at the happy little bun in Mu Yue's arms, with a somewhat satisfied expression in his eyes.

Although this brat has always been an enemy of him, but what he did this time is really very good.

The people at the same table were either chatting with each other or eating food, and almost never saw who was playing the official image. So, at this moment, everyone's faces were a little bit puzzled.

When Shangguan Ying heard Xiao Baozi’s crisp laughter, she only felt that one slap was slapped on his face, and her heart became even more annoyed. She stared at Xiao Baozi, pointed at him and cursed, "Little bastard. , You dare to laugh at me!"

Hearing Shangguan Ying yelling at Xiao Baozi, the expressions on the faces of the people at the same table showed a bit of discomfort.

Facing Shangguan Ying's anger, Xiao Baozi didn't have any fear at all.

A joke, in the face of his murderous stinky baba, he is not afraid, let alone the fake and powerful Shangguan shadow?

Not only was the little bun not afraid, but also arrogantly grabbed the bone on Mu Yue's table and threw it towards Shangguan Ying.

Nangong Linfeng originally looked at Shangguan Ying dissatisfied, and wanted to speak, but suddenly saw Xiao Baozi throw a bone toward Shangguan Ying.

Shangguan Ying didn't even evade, or even if he saw it, he was not afraid that the bones lost by the little bun would hurt him.

And he never felt that it was the bone lost by the little bun.

Because he underestimated his opponent, then his fate was miserable.

"Pop!" The bone hit Shangguanying's forehead, and some sharp heads stuck on Shangguanying's forehead.

And Shangguan Ying didn't expect that Xiao Baozi's loss would have such a great power, and he also felt the severe pain on his forehead, and made a miserable cry again.

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