Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3711: The kicked Shangguan Yanran 1

Shangguanxiang only felt that looking at Shangguanying had lost his family's face and let him be taken away.

Seeing that the people in the Shangguan clan dragged away the scared Shangguan Ying who was speechless, all of them lowered their heads and started whispering secretly.

"Cut, deserve it!" Zhuge Yan snorted, turned to her Shangguan Xiaoyao and Shangguan Yanran, "I said, you two Shangguanjia ladies, your brother seems to be losing power, what do you think!"

Shangguan Yaoyao and Shangguan Yanran both looked very ugly, and they also held very hate towards Mu Yue in their hearts.

Not only Mu Yue, but also her wicked son, are not good things.

Ouyang Peila pulled Zhuge Yan, who didn't constrain at all, "Slightly constricted!"

"Constrain what!" Zhuge Yan didn't care at all. "Some people don't constrain themselves, and let me constrain what to do. I am not the kind of bullying and fearful of hardship! Some people are not what they can covet!

Listening to Zhugeyan's mocking words, the Shangguan and Slender Sisters really wanted to leave like this, but neither Zhugejin nor Xiao Junyan could move their steps.

But Shangguanxiang looked at Mu Yue and opened his mouth, but now he didn't know what to say.

But Mu Yue didn't bother to care about these people's feelings at this time.

Mu Yue knew what they were thinking about now, but it had nothing to do with her anymore.

Mu Yue smiled and looked at the little bun in his arms, watching that he was already rubbing his eyes and wanted to sleep.

"Want to sleep?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Baozi softly.

The little bun's little head got into Mu Yue's arms and rubbed it, really going to bed.

Mu Yue smiled and patted Little Bun on the back, then turned to Xiao Junyan and said, "The child is asleep, I will take him back to rest first!"

"Come on, you haven't eaten much. I'm full. I'll take him back. You can eat more and come back with the master!" Xiao Junyan put down his chopsticks and went to hug the little boy in Mu Yue's arms. bun.

He didn't worry about Mu Yue coming back alone, he was worried that other people would have murderous intentions on Mu Yue.

Moreover, after he sent the little bun back, he had to watch it in the room, even if Mu Yue sent it, he had to be there with him.

It is impossible to say that the small bun was placed in the room, even if it is placed in the space, it is not easy to explain.

Han Tao heard Xiao Junyan's words, smiled and waved to him, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I will send your daughter-in-law back!"

Han Tao was still very happy for the carefulness of his apprentice. This stinky boy was always so careful when he encountered Mu Yue.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and looked at the little bun who was asleep in his arms.

Although the person holding him is stinky, but Xiao Baozi is still used to sleeping in Xiao Junyan's arms.

"Well, you go back first!" Mu Yue nodded, looked at the little bun and soon fell asleep.

The crowd watched Xiao Junyan holding the little bun and left without speaking, because they were all focused on hearing the news before, so they didn't care about Xiao Junyan's stay.

Xiao Junyan hugged the little bun and left, Shangguan Yanran, whose eyes were always attached to Xiao Junyan, suddenly a flash of light flashed in her eyes, and she got up from her seat.

Shangguan Yanran no longer wanted to stay here. It was really shameful. Now that Xiao Junyan was leaving, she naturally followed.

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