Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3714: Son finds mom to sue 1

Han Tao put the chopsticks on the table and said strongly, "I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation for this matter!"

These people in the ancient martial arts world are really disgusting. They dare to be a third party and still covet her apprentice. She wants to dismantle her precious apprentice and apprentice-in-law!

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

When Patriarch Ouyang heard Han Tao's words, their complexions suddenly became a little ugly, and they turned their heads and glanced at Shang Guanxiang.

Shangguanxiang quickly said to Han Tao, "Senior Han, I will definitely give Senior a reasonable answer!"

Han Tao nodded, and muttered a little bit, "I can't feel comfortable eating this meal!"

Even though I said this please, but the people of the four big families at the same table still survived, and their faces were a little ugly, and they only felt hot and painful.

The news also spread to other tables, and the people at the same table began to whisper.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect Shangguan Yanran to go to Xiao Junyan! Isn't that a married man?" Zhuge Yan also heard the news, and said with mockery and contempt.

Although, in the ancient martial arts world, some families, even their four major families, have polygamous owners, but there is a reason for that.

Most of them marry many wives for the sake of having sons. If a wife has already given birth, most of them will not marry again.

If you marry a lot of wives regardless of men and women, then this character is a very poor one.

This is the ancient martial arts world, which is not subject to external legal restrictions, even if it is polygamous.

However, although this is still the ancient martial arts world, there are still some secular rules adopted, such as monogamy.

Another thing is to try not to marry close relatives. This also gives the children of the four major families to marry. They try their best to choose no relationship, or some distant relatives, or small family children attached to their families.

Or maybe it's been several generations, and choose one of the four big families to ensure that there are no close relatives.

Therefore, it is still very shameful for them to do something like Shangguan Yanran, and feel too embarrassed.

Regardless of whether Xiao Junyan is from the secular world or not, just seeing Xiao Junyan's consideration for Mu Yue can tell that the two of them have a very good relationship.

As long as it is a person with a little conscience, he will not intervene between two people at will.

However, he didn't expect that Shangguan Yanran did a third party thing, it was too shameful for them from the ancient martial arts world.

"Oh, this is really shameful!"

"Furthermore, people in the secular world are still interested. Although Xiao Junyan looks very good, at least he has a wife!"

"Sure enough, the mother is lowly, and the educated daughter is so ignorant of the world and doing such a shameful thing!"

Regarding what Shangguan Yanran did, no one was in favor of it, it was all ridicule and dissatisfaction.

As Shangguan Yanran's sister, Shangguan Yaoyao, listening to the mocking words of the people around her, she just wanted to become an air by herself.

She didn't want to go out, because when she moved, it was estimated that everyone's eyes would look towards her. She would lose even bigger people, so she can only try to minimize her sense of existence now and prevent others from seeing her.

And in her heart, she also scolded Shangguan Yanran to death, making her ashamed.

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