Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3716: Son finds mom to sue 3

Shangguan Ying told everyone to go down, and said anxiously to Nangong Wanting, "Mom, you are right, that **** can't stay, she can actually see that my cultivation is not based on my own cultivation. It’s improved by taking medicine!"

Only he and Nangong Wanting knew about this matter, so no one could know about it.

When Nangong Wanting heard what Shangguanying said, her face was also shocked, she was incredulous, "How... how is it possible?"

He didn't want to be scared that Mu Yue could see that Shangguan Ying's cultivation base came up with medicine.

"How could she know?" Nangong Wanting's face also showed a look of shock and disbelief.

Shangguan Ying's eyes flashed with a cold and angry light, and gritted her teeth and said, "I don't know how she saw it, but she said it in front of everyone. Now the whole family knows. !"

The look on Nangong Wanting's face became unsightly.

She knew that the daughter of Nangong Yuehua couldn't stay. It was her nemesis and wanted to do it right with her.

"Nangong Yuehua!" Nangong Wanting gritted her teeth and cursed in irritation, "Mu Yue! Damn you!"

At that time, Nangong Yuehua's status was higher than her. She could only calculate her, let her leave the ancient martial world, put her in danger, and sent someone to kill her.

However, in the end, she failed to kill her, but it also made her empathize, causing the entire ancient martial arts world to be in turmoil because of her.

Now the daughter she gave birth to has also come to the ancient martial arts world. Is this going to provoke the entire ancient martial arts world again?

"Mom, I must kill her!" Shangguan Ying said through gritted teeth.

Nangong Wanting nodded, her eyes flashed coldly, "Kill her, absolutely can't just let her go! Didn't she participate in the competition? You killed her during the game, even if the game is dead. No one can blame you!"

Now, she is not easy to start, because if Mu Yue does something here, she will be exposed, so she can only bear the breath first.

She is very confident in her son, but his son is the pinnacle of refining the spirit and returning to the Void, which is not comparable to that little **** Mu Yue!

Believe that his son Shangguanying will be able to crush her and kill her.

"There is one more thing!" Shangguanying suddenly thought of what Shangguanxiang had said during the meeting, and wanted to remove him from the position of young master and let Shangguan connect.

When Nangong Wanting heard this, her face became very ugly, more shocked, and full of anger, "He... how can he do such a thing!"

She never expected that Shangguanxiang would make such a decision.

"I think that Dad must believe what Mu Yue said before doing this!" Shangguan Ying became more angry and gritted her teeth.

Shangguan Ying had forgotten that if he hadn't deliberately jumped out and targeted Mu Yue, Mu Yue would not have said the matter.

Moreover, Mu Yue said that he took medicine to improve his cultivation, after the family meeting.

"Damn it!" Nangong Wanting gasped with anger, "It's not that simple to take my son's position as the young master! Shangguan Lian, I didn't expect you to still covet the position of young master, I won't let you Success, first, you never want to get it!"

In Nangong Wanting's heart, she doesn't care about the competition between the secular world and the ancient martial world, as long as no one takes the position of the young master of her son.

If people in the ancient martial arts world knew what Nangong Wanting was thinking, it would probably kill her!

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