Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3724: The woman who supports the facade 2

A smile appeared on Nangong Linfeng's face, this smile really came from the heart, "Yes!"

Because the thing is not as he said, looking for Dongfang Sheng, but Mu Yue can really heal Nangong Yuehua.

Over the years, Nangong Linfeng has also learned some medical skills, so he also gave Nangong Yuehua a pulse.

I found that when I was giving Nangong Yuehua the pulse, I felt that the pulse condition was different, and the pulse condition was stronger than before, which proved that Mu Yue's treatment was really effective.

Qian Lejun was also slightly anxious and worried. If Mu Yue's master Dongfang Sheng really came and healed Nangong Yuehua, it would be bad.

"As long as Yuehua can wake up, everything will be complete!" Qian Lejun smiled and said to Nangong Linfeng.

Nangong Linfeng nodded and said to Qian Lejun, "If you have nothing to do, leave first!"

"How can I leave!" Qian Lejun said with a smile and refused, "Now it's hard to see that Yuehua can wake up. I also want to stay with her, take care of her, and watch Yuehua wake up. Come, I am also very happy!"

As he said, he was about to walk to the bed, but he was stopped by Mu Haixuan.

"You don't need you here!" Mu Haixuan's voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were even more cold.

Qian Lejun was immediately frightened by Mu Haixuan's eyes, his body trembled over there, and he looked at him fearfully.

She had never seen such cold eyes before, and even Nangong Linfeng and the rest of the Nangong family had never shown such eyes at her.

"You...what are you doing!" Qian Lejun's voice trembled, and he looked at Mu Haixuan fearfully.

Mu Haixuan's voice was very cold, "Don't get close to Yuehua, you don't need you here!"

Even if he agreed to Mu Yue not to kill Qian Lejun, he still didn't allow anyone to approach Nangong Yuehua.

Moreover, who knows if there is any other poison in Qian Lejun's body, if he harms Nangong Yuehua, then he will not be able to forgive him even if he is dead.

Qian Lejun only felt that the cold hair all over his body was standing upside down, Wang Huo stepped back a few steps, turned his head to look at Nangong Linfeng, with a strong accusation in his tone, "Patriarch...look at him...he How can this be? I am Yuehua's mother, so why can't I get close!"

Nangong Linfeng frowned slightly when she heard Qian Lejun's words, and said impatiently, "There is nothing for you here, let Yuehua take care of it in the future!"

When Qian Lejun heard this, he felt a little anxious, and even refused to let her take care of Nangong Yuehua. Then how would she poison Nangong Yuehua in the future?

"How can I leave it to him to take care of it?" Qian Lejun glanced at Mu Haixuan dissatisfiedly, and said to Nangong Linfeng reminding him, "Patriarch, you don't like him, and you don't agree with them being together, you How can he take care of Yuehua!"

Nangong Linfeng looked at Mu Haixuan, sighed deeply, and said with emotion, "I used to be wrong. Since they want to be together in the future, let's be together. I won't stop. Blocked, in the future, if Yuehua wants to pass away from the secular world, let her pass away from the secular world. At least she won't be like this. Saying a word is a luxury!"

Hearing Nangong Linfeng's words, Mu Haixuan just turned his head and glanced at his father-in-law.

He also knew that after Nangong Linfeng knew that Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting had killed Nangong Yuehua, he should have changed his mind.

After all, staying in the Nangong family is still not safe, so follow him, so that Nangong Yuehua can be even more happy and happy.

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