As for the banquet, there was only one noon, and in the evening before the game, there was a special person responsible for making dinner for Mu Yue and others from the world.

However, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan went to the Nangong family, cooked dinner directly in the space, and brought them to Mu Haixuan.

In the evening, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan came to the Nangong family together with a little bun.

When Chunju saw Xiao Junyan entering the Nangong family with Mu Yue carrying a lunch box in both hands and holding a small bun, she went to Qian Lejun and told her the news of Mu Yue's arrival.

When Chun Ju went to inform Qian Lejun, Mu Yue and the others also came to Nangong Yuehua's courtyard.

When Mu Haixuan saw Mu Yue and the others coming, there was a smile on his face, and he asked concerned, "Xiao Yue'er, why are you here! Have you been bullied just now?"

"No!" Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, turned and said, "I made a little dinner with Jun Yan, knowing that Dad will not eat the lunch that Nangong family made for you, so I brought it over to eat with you!"

Although Mu Yue said that the people who harmed Nangong Yuehua were Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting, but Mu Haixuan still didn't believe in the entire Nangong family, let alone eating their food.

Therefore, Mu Yue made dinner in the space and brought it to Mu Haixuan to eat.

When Mu Haixuan heard Mu Yue's caring words and actions, let alone how warm and happy he was.

"Good, good!" Mu Haixuan nodded, with a bright and happy smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yue thought so thoughtfully, and even thought so much. She even made dinner for herself. She only thought it was better for her daughter, it was his little cotton-padded jacket!

"Then let's have dinner first!" Mu Yue said to Mu Haixuan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan had already taken out the food in the rice basket, four dishes and one soup, very rich, enough for Mu Yue and the others.

Mu Haixuan smiled and nodded, watching the little bun looking around in Mu Yue's arms excitedly.

"Come on, little bun, grandpa hug!" Mu Haixuan happily patted his hands at the little bun.

The little bun shook his head, stretched out his body toward the ground, and pointed his little finger at the ground, meaning that he was going to the ground.

Mu Yue smiled slightly when seeing Xiao Baozi so sensible, and put him on the ground.

The floor is covered with blankets, and Nangong Linfeng is also cleaned and cleaned every day, which is very clean.

As soon as the little bun fell to the ground, he happily climbed up on the blanket.

"This stinky boy!" Mu Haixuan looked at the appearance of the little bun and shook his head with a helpless smile.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Okay, Dad, you let him play alone, he will have fun alone instead! Let's have dinner first, and talk about it after a good dinner!"

"Okay!" Mu Haixuan glanced at the little bun, nodded, and had dinner with Xiao Junyan and the others.

While eating, watching the little bun crawling around there, holding Nangong Yuehua with both hands and sleeping at the end of the bed, twisting his waist over there, no, a certain little bun is full of baby fat and can only be twisted. Looking at the invisible waist and belly.

When Mu Yue and other talents were halfway through the meal, Nangong Linfeng, who also received the same news, also came here.

However, when Nangong Linfeng came in, I saw Mu Haixuanzheng and Mu Yue eating dinner while Xiao Baozi was playing by himself.

Mu Haixuan just raised his head and glanced at Nangong Linfeng, then bowed his head to eat again.

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