Nangong Linfeng was taken aback, and was a little surprised to see the appearance of the little bun.

He was drooling when he saw Xiao Baozi's mouth, but he didn't expect that he turned his head directly.

"Little baby, don't you like to eat?" Nangong Linfeng couldn't help asking the little bun.

If it's an ordinary little milk baby, when she sees the apple in his hand, she is drooling, and she must have jumped over excitedly, how could she turn her head?

Xiao Baozi only gave Nangong Linfeng a little **** again, and crawled and crawled to Xiao Junyan's side, his fleshy little hands grabbed the corner of his clothes, and the milky voice cried out, "Papa Papa. ..."

When Xiao Junyan heard his son calling himself, he put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

The little bun opened his arms, raised his small head, and cried milkily at Xiao Junyan's milk, "Hug..."

Xiao Junyan looked at the actions of the little bun, shook his head helplessly, picked up the little bun from the ground and placed it on his lap, and then said, "Don't move!"

Although he always fights against Xiao Baozi and scrambles for Mu Yue, he still loves Xiao Baozi very much.

The little bun cleverly nodded his little head, leaning against Xiao Junyan's chest, but his big small eyes looked at Mu Yue straightforwardly, and the saliva of his small mouth was drooling.

Looking at the cute appearance of the little bun, Mu Yue couldn't help crying and laughing, and then glanced at the somewhat depressed Nangong Linfeng.

Knowing the child is not the mother, how can you not know what the little bun's behavior means.

Knowing that she was eating dinner, he didn't pester her, but hugged the stinky papa who was pestering him. He specifically made his stink papa uncomfortable.

And the reason why they would climb over is because Nangong Linfeng, they didn't like it, and he wouldn't like it, so they came to pester Xiao Junyan.

Nangong Linfeng put the apple in his hand on the coffee table again, looked at the little bun that had crawled into Xiao Junyan's arms, and sighed softly.

It seemed that Xiao Baozi still didn't think he knew him, so he didn't want to talk to him.

After all, the little bun is only half a year old now, and even Mu Yue gives him a face, he doesn't say anything, let alone such a little bun who can't even speak.

"Little devil head! Why are you pestering you!" Mu Yue nodded a little bit of Little Bun's nose.

The little bun opened her cute little mouth and yelled softly, "Mom!"

"Oh, don't move!" Xiao Junyan bowed his head and reminded the little bun.

The little bun flattened his small mouth, holding Xiao Junyan's chest with his small hands, wiping his small mouth, and wiping his saliva on his clothes.

Seeing his masterpiece, Xiao Baozi just gave out a chuckle.

Mu Haixuan, who always did the right thing with Xiao Junyan, gave the little bun a thumbs up, and said in praise, "Little bun, well done!"

After Mu Haixuan's praise, Xiao Baozi was even more happy, and his laughter was even brighter.

Mu Yue shook her head helplessly, "Dad, don't bring bad buns, okay?"

"I'm not bringing bad little bun, I'm teaching him, if this stinky boy bullies you in the future, you can let the little bun avenge you!" Mu Haixuan said naturally.

After Mu Yue heard it, she only felt that the sympathy for Xiao Junyan was like the surging river!

However, Xiao Junyan raised his head and showed a gentle smile at Mu Yue.

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