Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3733: The awesomeness of the little buns 2

Qian Lejun heard Mu Yue's words, saw Xiao Junyan cleaning the table, and heard Chunju say that he came with a lunch box.

However, she also pretended not to know, and said with a smile, "This way, I don't even know, I thought you had already eaten it!"

He said to Chunju again, "Then put it on the coffee table first!" said to Mu Yue with a smile, "If you don't want to eat now, you can put it on first. It's delicious both cold and hot, and you can eat it if you are hungry!"

Nangong Linfeng was full of hatred towards Qian Lejun in her heart, and wanted to drive her away, lest she could not control herself and kill her.

"You are also getting older. Now that it is delivered, you can go back to rest!"

When Qian Lejun heard Nangong Linfeng’s words, the smile on his face stiffened, and said with a smile, "I'm not tired at all, and I don't usually sleep so late! I also heard that Mu Yue's children are also coming. I want to see the child! It’s been a long time since the family has such a small child, and I can’t stand it!

As he said, his eyes fell on the little bun in Mu Haixuan's arms.

Little Bun blinked and looked at Qian Lejun, with an innocent look in his pitch-black eyes.

Mu Haixuan glanced at Qian Lejun vigilantly, but couldn't let her hurt the little bun in his arms.

"Little bun, she is a bad person, don't touch her!" Mu Haixuan reminded softly in the ear of little bun.

Mu Haixuan naturally knew the genius of Xiao Baozi, so he would say these things to him at this time.

When the little bun heard that the person in front of him was a bad person, his cute little face suddenly showed an unhappy look. He hummed his little nose, waved his little hand, turned his head to Xiao Junyan, pointed at Qian Lejun and yelled, "Baba ...Fight! Hit..."

The few people in the room were stunned when they heard Xiao Baozi's words, even Mu Haixuan.

When Mu Haixuan heard Xiao Baozi's words, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of love and affection!

Sure enough, he is a good boy. If he knows he is a bad one, he must fight!

Only Qian Lejun didn't know why he met Xiao Baozi for the second time, and Xiao Baozi wanted to beat her.

And Qian Lejun would not have thought that it was entirely because Mu Haixuan had already told him that she was a bad person and would beat her.

I only think that the little bun is too small and ignorant.

Regarding such a kid's matter, no one would take his words seriously.

"What are you talking about! Little baby, you can't say these things, you know?" The smile on Qian Lejun's face was a little stiff, but he still talked helplessly to the little bun.

Because I don't know what the little bun is called, so I can only call it a little baby.

Nangong Linfeng looked at Xiao Baozi's hostility towards Qian Lejun, feeling excited and happy in his heart.

For nothing else, because Xiao Baozi is so small, but he also knows whether the person in front of him is a good person or a bad person, but he doesn't know this.

The little bun heard that Qian Lejun dared to educate himself, snorted his little nose, grabbed Mu Haixuan's arm, still screaming with milk, "beating..."

"We can't fight casually!" Mu Haixuan smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, and said softly and educatedly, "Hands hitting people, that's how barbarians do. Let's not hit people, you know?"

However, the little bun tilted his head, with a confused face on his face that didn't understand, and then threw himself on Mu Haixuan's shoulder, not wanting to speak or looking at Qian Lejun again.

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