Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3741: My sister was kicked too 1

Shangguan Slender turned his head angrily and stared at Xiao Junyan, his eyes full of anger.

In fact, she really didn't dare to go forward and beat Xiao Junyan, it was because Xiao Junyan gave her too much momentum.

And she was also afraid that she would be kicked by Xiao Junyan and end up just like her sister.

So Shangguan Slender just stood on the spot, angrily pointed at Xiao Junyan with his fingers, and screamed, "Xiao Junyan, this lady is talking to you!"

However, Xiao Junyan raised his head dissatisfiedly and glanced at Shangguan's slender, only that this woman was very noisy and wanted to shoot her out.

He is not afraid of the ancient martial arts world, and he is not afraid of the Shangguan family.

Just as Xiao Junyan was about to do something, Mu Yue walked out of the locker room when he heard the movement, and glanced at the situation outside inexplicably.

Seeing Shangguan slender, Mu Yue's eyes flashed brightly.

The little bun was biting the toy in his hand with his small mouth. When he looked up, he saw Mu Yue coming out of the fitting room. With bright eyes, he took out the toy in his mouth, and the milk screamed. ,"mom!"

Mu Yue heard the cry of the little bun, her heart softened, and smiled and nodded, "Well, the little bun is so good!"

When the little bun heard this, the smile on his little face was even brighter, waving the toy in his hand, shaking his head for a while, looking very cute.

Xiao Junyan raised his head to look at Mu Yue, and stood up, "It looks good, buy it!"

Mu Yue glanced at the slender Shangguan here, "Have you quarreled with her?"

To be honest, when she asked this, Mu Yue almost bit her tongue and was noisy? Xiao Junyan is not noisy, only "killing" the opponent with one look.

Seeing Shangguan's slender face full of anger, Mu Yue had actually guessed something in her heart, and she must have been irritated by Xiao Junyan.

"Mu Yue!" Shangguan Yaoyao saw Mu Yue's appearance, and the color of resentment and jealousy in his eyes became stronger.

Not only because of Mu Yue's identity, but also because Mu Yue wore this slightly lower modern cheongsam, which made Mu Yue even more beautiful and moving.

For women, appearance is something that makes women jealous, so the narrow-minded Shangguan is naturally more resentful.

"Miss Shangguan's family, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, pressing down on Xiao Junyan beside him, and said faintly.

She didn't know, what did this Shangguan slender come here to do with Xiao Junyan? Is it to find trouble?

Of course, it's not that Shangguan Yaoyao knew they were here and came to trouble them deliberately, but came here to buy clothes, otherwise there would be no clothes lying on the ground.

This dress was originally held by the maid beside Shangguan's slim, but when he was slapped, the dress in her hand fell to the ground and she never picked it up.

When Shangguan Yaoyao heard Mu Yue's question, he suddenly snorted arrogantly, raised his chin, and looked at Mu Yue with a downward look, "This is the ancient martial world, this lady's site! I am not qualified to appear here. You are an outsider!"

For the people in the ancient martial arts world, they are all very clear. They are the people in the ancient martial arts world, while the outside is the secular world, which is different from them.

Mu Yue and the others came here only as tourists.

What's more, it's a self-righteous, proud and complacent person like Shangguan and fit!

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