Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3743: Sister was kicked too 3

Mu Yue raised the corners of her mouth as she listened to Shangguan's provocative words. She evoked a mocking sneer. This woman really has no brains at all!

How dare to challenge her? Do you want to die earlier? Or, I want to be educated!

Mu Yue walked forward with a smile, and said lightly, "Okay, I'll fight you, but I want to see how powerful you are, the lady of the Shangguan family!"

She still looked forward to the shame of Shangguan Xiaoyao being kicked out of the clothing store by herself.

Shangguan Yaoyao unexpectedly agreed to Mu Yue's face, with a look of ecstasy on his face, and a smug sneer in his heart.

This **** is really stupid, thinking that if he is good outside, he can be arrogant in this ancient martial world?

"Humph!" Shangguan slenderly snorted, "You'd better not let others do it for you, otherwise, the shameful person is still you!"

Mu Yue glanced at Shangguan Yao with disgust, and said mockingly, "Noisy! If you want to do it, do it! I'm afraid that someone will be hurt and embarrassed at that time, but instead will go back to file a lawsuit and find the elder of the family to support it!"

Shangguan slender but snorted angrily and disdainfully, "You are too arrogant, let's see how this lady teaches you this shameless woman!"

When it was time for Mu Yue, who was one meter in front of Shangguanyao, to seize this opportunity, a murderous intent flashed through Shangguanyao's eyes, turning his palms into claws, and grabbing directly towards Mu Yue's chest and heart.

Mu Yue snorted, raising her hand and directly grabbing Shangguan's slender wrist.

Without waiting for Shangguan's slenderness, Mu Yue twisted her wrist, and a burst of crisp bone cracking echoed in this clothing store.

Shangguan Slender opened her eyes wide in shock, and the severe pain from her wrist instantly made her uncontrollable and opened her mouth and screamed in pain.

Mu Yue coldly snorted again, lifted her foot, and kicked Shangguan's slim chest directly, kicking her directly out of the clothing store, and fell onto the street outside the store.

In the streets where people came and went, because of the slender Shangguan who flew out in an instant, they were all shocked and looked at the people who flew out with curiosity.

The little bun, who was held in Xiao Junyan's arms, saw Mu Yue kick the bad woman out of the clothes shop, and immediately cheered his mom with excitement, "Mom, mom..."

Seeing his mother's majestic hair, Xiao Baozi was naturally proud, and even more happy and proud.

This is his mother, that's so amazing! He likes it best.

Mu Yue glanced at the Shangguan Slender who was kicked out, snorted softly, turned to look at Xiao Junyan who was holding the little bun, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Mom!" The little bun rushed to Mu Yue, preparing to give his mother a victory kiss.

Mu Yue wanted to press his face, but instead of touching Mu Yue's cheek with the little bun's mouth, Xiao Junyan turned sideways and gave Mu Yue a big kiss first.

The little bun didn't kiss Mu Yue's cheek, and suddenly yelled aggrievedly, waving his little hand and holding Xiao Junyan in his arms.

Smelly Baba is so bad that he even snatched the victory kiss he gave to his mother.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's childish behavior, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded again, this man was really getting more and more naive, and cast an angry look at a certain jealous altar.

This vinegar, really eats his own son!

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