Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3751: Little bun can walk 1

Nangong Linfeng already knew about the tactics of Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting, so if Mu Yue said it at this time, he wouldn't object.

Now Mu Yue wanted to close their mother and daughter to a dead end, so that they could jump the wall in a hurry and let them do fierce things.

Anyway, Nangong Yuehua will be sent to the space by herself, and no one can threaten her with her safety, so they will have more energy to deal with them.

"Mu Yue, let me consider this matter again!" Nangong Linfeng also wanted to immediately agree to Mu Yue.

Nangong Linfeng has been the Nangong Patriarch for so long, how can he not know what Mu Yue meant by these words?

Responding to Mu Yue's words, a tangled hesitant expression appeared on his face.

When Qian Lejun heard Nangong Linfeng's words, his face suddenly became paler, and tremblingly asked Nangong Linfeng, "Patriarch, do you really want to agree?"

She didn't want to believe that she had been with Nangong Linfeng for so many years, and had taken care of her for so many years, only to get such a result.

So, what's the point of her hard work for so long?

Nangong Linfeng looked at Qian Lejun, frowning, and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "I mentioned this matter with Mu Yue just now, but at that time Mu Yue said that he would consider it, but you, because She added this condition for your appearance! I can only choose one for your relationship with Mu Yue!"

Mu Yue did not talk to him about this matter just now, but Nangong Linfeng said that he did. This was telling Mu Yue that the consideration he just said was not true, but that he already understood her plan. .

And the meaning of these words for Qian Lejun is obvious, that is, she is doing it by herself! In fact, this was not the reason why Mu Yue wanted to return to the Nangong family, but she asked for trouble first before letting her add this condition.

Therefore, even if it was for Mu Yue to return to the Nangong family, he had to do this.

When Qian Lejun heard Nangong Linfeng's words, he naturally understood the meaning of the words very well. He turned his head and looked at Mu Yue who was playing with the little bun with his head down. He was a bit resentful in his heart!

There is even more resentment and dissatisfaction with Mu Yue. This evil spirit has not returned to the Nangong family, so she will be kicked out of her mistress!

"Patriarch, I know I was wrong, I can apologize!" Qian Lejun knelt on the ground with a thud, confessing his mistake to Nangong Linfeng.

Nangong Linfeng waved his hand and said threateningly, "Go down first. I will consider this matter again. From now on, don't come here again. Do it again, and I will do what Mu Yue said!"

Qian Lejun heard this, and where he dared to stay here again, he quickly asked Chun Ju to help him up, "Thank you Patriarch, I will go back first!"

"Before you go back, apologize first!" Nangong Linfeng still reminded.

Nangong Linfeng's words made Qian Lejun's heart cold instantly.

She also knew that for her, it was Nangong Yuehua, who belonged to Aiwu and Wu.

She, an old woman, can never compare to Mu Yue, the wicked species born by Nangong Yuehua!

So I can only bow and apologize to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, I'm really sorry, I don't know the cause of the matter, I misunderstood!"

"It's done!" Mu Yue said coldly, "The ancients sincerely don't deceive me! Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the mouse's son will make holes!"

"Hey!" The little bun was also very cooperative, waving his hand over there, and let out a cry of milk and milk.

Qian Lejun's face was flushed immediately, where he dared to settle the account, he turned around and fled quickly.

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