Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3753: Little bun can walk 3

Both Mu Haixuan and Nangong Linfeng looked forward to the little bun standing on the ground, cheering on the little bun.

"Little bun, come on, grandpa cheer for you, walk over!" Mu Haixuan said cheering to the little bun.

Nangong Linfeng couldn't help but say, "Come on!"

The little bun looked at Mu Yue and then at Xiao Junyan, as if he still hesitated to leave.

Xiao Junyan squatted beside Mu Yue and reminded, "As long as you are here, you can let your mother hug you, otherwise, you will sleep with your father tonight!"

This threat was cruel enough for Xiao Baozi, and Xiao Baozi pouted his own mouth aggrievedly.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, but still nodded and said, "Yes, Dad is right. If you don't come over, Mom won't hold you, nor sleep with you!"

"Mother!" The little bun bulged his cheeks, shook his chubby body, opened his broken leg, and took a difficult step forward.

Seeing the little buns raising their legs and taking steps, Mu Yue's four adults looked very excited, even Xiao Junyan, a cold-faced person, is no exception.

Now, what can be more happy and excited than seeing your son stand up and walk?

The little bun took a step, his body was a little unstable, the little body rushed forward, and the whole little body was about to fall to the ground.

Xiao Baozi, who has always reacted more sensitively and quickly than any child, supported the ground with his hands and stabilized his small body.

"Really good!" Seeing Xiao Baozi's behavior, Mu Yue couldn't help but compliment, and gave his son a big compliment without hesitation.

"Come on, Yuer!" Xiao Junyan also encouraged the little bun, "To walk here, we are little men, we are not afraid of any difficulties!"

The little bun didn't coax his chubby face, and stood up again, but his chubby body was still a little shaky.

Seeing the appearance of the little buns, both Mu Haixuan and Nangong Linfeng who looked at them couldn't help but praised, "Awesome!"

The little bun opened his arms and stood swaying on the spot, looking up at Mu Yue. There was crystal mist in his big dark eyes, and the voice of milk cried out, "Mom..."

So far away, if mom wants to come over a little bit, he can finish the task sooner!

Mu Yue didn't know that Xiao Jiujiu was hitting Xiao Baozi's heart, still with a bright smile on his face, clapping and shouting at Xiao Baozi, "Little Baozi, come on, hurry up, come into Mommy's arms, and pay for it tonight. Can sleep with mommy, don't sleep with stinky papa!"

When Xiao Junyan heard this, he glanced at Mu Yue next to him with a bit of resentment. Was he abandoned by his wife?

This is the legendary one who wants a son or a husband!

"Mother!" When the little bun heard this, the grievances on his little face disappeared, and he took another step. The little body shook a few times unsteadily, and his hands were on the ground again.

But it is obviously much more stable than the first time.

This is progress. If it were other children, it is estimated that Xiao Baozi would not have the ability to learn so quickly.

Little Bun is different. His talent is definitely a super genius, and his mental and physical growth is much faster than other children.

"Come on!" Mu Yue smiled, cheering on Xiao Baozi again.

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