Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3765: Lian Xu He Dao Late Stage 3

Mu Yue stood up, shook his hands, and felt the cultivation base of the late stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao emanating from his body, and an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I broke through!" Mu Yue laughed haha, and threw himself into Xiao Junyan's arms, "Jun Yan, I broke through!"

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue with a full embrace, and a spoiled smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He gently stroked Mu Yue's head, "Well! A breakthrough!"

Now Mu Yue had also broken through to the late stage of refining the void and combining the Tao, and was able to protect herself with enough strength.

"Hehehe, this is a really good opportunity! I thought I was looking for an opportunity!" Mu Yue said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "I really want to thank the grand elder of the Shangguan family! "

Thinking of this, Mu Yue turned his head and looked around curiously, "By the way, where is that old guy?"

"Here!" Xiao Junyan turned around and pointed to the elder Shangguan Taishang who fell on the ground.

The elder Shangguan Taishang looked at Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue in shock and horror.

With Xiao Junyan alone, he is no longer an opponent, and now even Mu Yue has broken through to the late stage of Lianxu Hedao, so he doesn't even want to run away!

Mu Yue walked to the elder Shangguan Taishang with a smile, squatted down, and said with a smile, "Elder Taishang, thank you so much! Without you, I would not break through to my current cultivation base!"

When the elder Shangguan Taishang heard Mu Yue's words, he only felt a rush of blood rushing to his heart, and a mouthful of red blood spurted out of his mouth.

Mu Yue saw the appearance of Shangguan Taishang elder, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became even brighter, "Taishang elder, did you come to kill me, was it your own idea or the idea of ​​the whole Shangguan family? You say, I I don’t know what they would think if I brought you to the four big families like this!"

When the elder Shangguan Taishang heard Mu Yue's words, the expression on his face became stiff, his eyes widened, and he shouted angrily, "You can't do this!"

He couldn't let Mu Yue do this, otherwise, their Shangguan family's face would be lost.

Moreover, it is very likely that their Shangguan family will be removed from the secular world.

After all, this is not an easy thing to handle.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at the elder Shangguan Taishang sarcastically, "Why can't I do this? After all, you came here to kill me. If it weren't for our high cultivation base, you would have already killed me. It’s only now that our cultivation base is high, will the form change a bit! You say, don’t you?"

The elder Shangguan Taishang only felt that his throat was blocked by something, and could not say a word.

Mu Yue still said mockingly, "I can't speak, and I know how shameless you are in the Shangguan family and how unconscionable what I have done, hehe, I didn't expect that the four of the ancient martial arts world The grand elders of the Shangguan family of the big family will do such things that are not on the stage!"

"You!" Shangguan Taishang elder gritted his teeth with anger.

Mu Yue squinted her eyes, looked at the old guy, and said with contempt, "Sure enough, my mother didn't marry the Shangguan family, but Nangong Wanting married. The Shangguan family members are not good things, they are all the same! You and Nangong Wanting really deserves to be a family! They are all the same insidious and shameless!"

It's really a shame that my mother didn't marry the Shangguan family, otherwise, she still doesn't know what kind of person the Shangguan family would bring her into.

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