Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3767: Xiao Junyan who was pushed away 2

Sleeping with Mu Yue, there is no smelly Baba by the side, and the little bun sleeps very sweetly and is very happy.

However, a certain man did not fall asleep all night.

I'm used to sleeping with my wife holding Xiangxiang every night. I didn't have it today. I was very uncomfortable and unaccustomed to sleep.

As soon as Mu Yue came out holding the little bun, he saw Xiao Junyan sitting cross-legged on the bed, with red eyes.

"What are you doing?" Looking at Xiao Junyan's appearance, Mu Yue showed a look of surprise on her face.

As soon as Xiao Junyan saw Mu Yue, he rushed forward and threw the little bun in Mu Yue's arms onto the bed, while he hugged Mu Yue into his arms.

The little bun was lying on the soft quilt, his little **** pouted up to the sky, blinking his **** eyes, and then quickly twisted his body to get up, and turned his head to stare at his own stinky baba with dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, it was his own stinky baba, he was so to him!

Xiao Junyan couldn't control the complaints and dissatisfaction of a certain kid, and buried his head in Mu Yue's neck, sniffing her deeply, "Yue!"

Mu Yue was a little embarrassed by the hug, and recovered, a little bit dumbfounded, pushing Xiao Junyan, "Will you let me go quickly?"

"Don't let go! I don't want you to leave me again!" Xiao Junyan complained.

Mu Yue rolled her eyes, "I didn't say I want to leave you!"

"You left, you left me last night, I didn't sleep all night to wait for you to come out!" Xiao Junyan complained aggrievedly in Mu Yue's ear.

Mu Yue was taken aback, and instantly understood why Xiao Junyan had such an appearance, and sighed softly, even more distressed, this man!

Sometimes it's really naive to the point where it's okay, sometimes it's obsessive to a kind of helplessness.

"Sorry, I was wrong!" Mu Yue gently patted Xiao Junyan on the back, comforting him.

Xiao Junyan's tone was still aggrieved, "Then don't abandon me in the future!"

Mu Yue couldn't stand Xiao Junyan's weak and aggrieved tone and appearance.

"Not anymore!" Mu Yue nodded and said comfortingly to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan was buried in Mu Yue's neck, raised his head slightly, a light of calculation flashed through his eyes.

However, at this moment, the little bun who was sitting on the quilt suddenly flattened his mouth, sobbed softly, and then became crying.

"The little bun is crying!" Mu Yue heard the little bun crying, and pushed Xiao Junyan away who was holding him, ran to the bed, and comforted the little bun in his arms.

The little bun was leaning against Mu Yue's arms, and a pair of fleshy little hands grasped the skirt of Mu Yue's chest, crying aggrievedly.

Smelly Baba, actually fell him, and, obviously his mother belonged to him, not Smelly Baba!

Xiao Junyan, who felt that he had planned successfully, had no idea that Mu Yue would push him away. His huge body slammed against one of the screens, his posture was very inconsistent with his identity, and he was also very embarrassed, absolutely not so embarrassed. Over.

The little bun, who was held in Xiao Junyan's arms, blinked and saw his own stinky baba. His big dark eyes blinked, and then he burst into laughter and giggled in Mu Yue's arms.

Seeing the stinky baba making a fool of himself, Xiao Baozi expressed his happiness.

However, Xiao Junyan stared at the little bun in dissatisfaction, and the dark eyes were full of murderous intent.

The little bun couldn't help her small body trembling slightly, and was buried in Mu Yue's arms.

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