Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3770: Worried Nangong Patriarch 2

Mu Yue sent the elder Shangguan Taishang into the space, and at the same time, just in time, Nangong Linfeng walked in from outside.

Even Han Tao didn't know what Mu Yue had room for, let alone the grandfather Nangong Linfeng who had not yet been recognized by them.

Nangong Linfeng saw that Mu Yue and the others had come so early, and said, "You have come so early!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "Well, yeah!"

"Are you going to take Yuehua away today?" Nangong Linfeng turned to look at Nangong Yuehua on the bed, and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded softly, "Well, I have to take it away. It's going to be the game tomorrow. We can't protect my mother during the game!"

"Okay!" Nangong Linfeng nodded, sighed softly, and said, "I also remind you that I have always made people pay attention to the movements of the people on the side of the elder. As you said, they already have After the movement, they want to do something to Yuehua!"

When he knew about this, he really wanted to kill the elder.

It's just that the evidence is not enough now. If you want to kill the great elder, you have to ask some of the great elders and the old Patriarchs who are in the retreat, which is very troublesome.

After asking them out, if there is no conclusive evidence, not only will he not be able to help Nangong Yuehua and Mu Yue, but he will also hurt himself.

Mu Yue snorted coldly when she heard the news from Nangong Linfeng, "Sure enough, whether it is the Shangguan family or the Nangong family, there are people who don't want us to have a better life!"

Yesterday it was the Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family, and today it is the Grand Elder of the Nangong family. Do you really think they are so easy to bully?

Is she going to let them know that they are not so easy to bully?

However, this is also very fast, they want to do it to her, they also have to weigh whether they have this qualification!

"Mu Yue, I will definitely find conclusive evidence as soon as possible, and condemn them to the Great Elder!" Nangong Linfeng said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue waved his hand and said, "No, I want to see what they can do to trouble me!"

With the great elders and their abilities, they really couldn't hurt themselves.

After all, her current cultivation base is already in the late stage of refining the void and combining the Tao.

Nangong Linfeng didn't know, and quickly reminded Mu Yue with concern, "No, it's too dangerous!"

Mu Yue snorted softly, and said disdainfully, "Just rely on them?"

Nangong Linfeng didn't know Mu Yue's cultivation level, and turned to remind Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, "Mu Haixuan, Xiao Junyan, and the great elders have very high cultivation bases, and they all cultivate the void and the Dao!"

"Huh!" Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Rehearsing the emptiness and harmony? That old guy wants to hurt Xiao Yue'er, he doesn't have that qualification yet!"

Xiao Junyan also said sarcastically, "I'm looking for death!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yue's mouth and said confidently, "Well, whether it's the Shangguan family or the Nangong family, I'm not afraid. I'm just waiting for them. The more people come, the better!"

She has all taken the evidence, so she can't miss such a good opportunity!

Listening to what Mu Yue and the others said, Nangong Linfeng felt even more worried. Mu Yue couldn't beat them at all!

"You are not afraid, but Mu Yue can't do it!" Nangong Linfeng frowned in dissatisfaction, still reminding Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan.

I just feel that these two people are too arrogant, so look down on the Shangguan family and the Nangong family.

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