Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3772: Nangong Moon Huajin Space 1

No one knew about the Shangguan Taishang elder going to kill Mu Yue, but some people knew it, his subordinates.

However, they didn't think that the elder Taishang was defeated by Mu Yue and they were arrested.

I thought it was the Supreme Elder and wanted to look at it again to find the most suitable time.

Nangong Wanting didn't know when the Taishang Presbyterian would do it, but it shouldn't be too late, but she didn't know that the Taishang Presbyterian would do it so soon.

What she didn't expect most was that Mu Yue and the others took the Taishang Elder alive so easily.

The elder of the Nangong family walked back and forth in his room anxiously, feeling extremely anxious and angry in his heart.

The current situation was completely out of his control, and Mu Yue was about to return to the Nangong family, and he was likely to trouble him.

He must not let this happen!

But, **** it, it's very difficult to kill Mu Yue now, you can only do it with other people.

Qian Lejun came to the elder's courtyard and took off his black robe and hat.

The elder looked at Qian Lejun's arrival and asked dissatisfiedly, "Why are you here? Don't you know that Mu Yue has returned to the Nangong family? Why don't you let Nangong Wanting and the Shangguan family do it!"

Sitting on the chair, Qian Lejun also said bitterly, "I also think, but I want to do both. The Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family has already taken action and is ready to find an opportunity to attack Mu Yue. I also hope that you can send someone here. !"

The great elder heard the end of Qian Lejun, his old face showed a happy expression, "What are you saying is true?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Qian Lejun said dissatisfied. "So, I hope you will send some people here. Not only will you kill Mu Yue, but you will also kill both Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan. Kill it! This is truly foolproof!"

Thinking of the humiliation and ridicule he received in front of Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue, Qian Lejun felt extremely angry and raging.

It's not just Mu Yue that the **** can't stay, even Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan can't stay.

The elder thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, I will prepare now, pick the best assassin, and kill them! If you can't kill them in the secular world, then kill them in the ancient martial world!"

"You have picked someone, and you are ready to tell me when you are ready. I see if you can contact the Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family and take action together!" Qian Lejun nodded and said.

The elder nodded, "Okay, and you quickly put the poison in your hand to Nangong Yuehua to eat, let her eat it, and she will die!"

Qian Lejun angrily slapped the table, "Do you think I don't want to? Now I can't get close to the small courtyard at all. I am not allowed to do anything. I can't do anything if I want to, so I can only let you do it. Poisoned in their diet!"

"I want to find a way!" The elder frowned and frowned. Unexpectedly, the situation was already so bad! "Have you been discovered?"

"This shouldn't be there!" Qian Lejun shook his head, and said, "It's completely that evil seed doesn't want me to stay in my Nangong family. Nangong Linfeng began to dislike me, damn, this evil seed, I really can't keep it!"

The elder nodded, and said in a cold voice, "I know about this, you go back quickly, I will arrange it!"

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