Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3805: How strong is Xiao Junyan 2

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan returned to the chairman's box.

When the little bun saw Mu Yue, he opened his arms in excitement, and wanted to fly towards her, so that Han Tao couldn't understand how to hold it.

"Little bun!" Mu Yue smiled and took the little bun into his arms, and touched his head with a smile.

The little bun rubbed Mu Yue's cheek happily, and the milk cried out, "Mom, mom..."

Mu Yue saw the little bun sticking to her so much, she felt a little helpless, "What's the matter? Are you hungry? She sticks to her mother so much!"

"Mom!" The little bun was still holding Mu Yue's neck happily, rubbing her cheek, with a very intimate appearance.

Mu Yue felt dumbfounded and touched Xiao Baozi's head, and sat in her seat.

Xiao Junyan glanced sideways at a certain little bun with a bit of uncomfortable expression in his eyes. This stinky boy, because of his young age, was clinging to Mu Yue, and he was simply unsatisfied.

Chen Yuansheng smiled and praised Xiao Junyan and said, "Brother, you wife, it's so good to find!"

When Xiao Junyan heard the words of his senior brother, Leng Jun's face unconsciously showed a proud look, nodded lightly, and said without blushing, "My wife is my pride!"

Chen Yuansheng was taken aback, and then said dumbfounded, "You kid, you really don't know how to be humble!"

He really had never seen Xiao Junyan boast that he didn't write drafts so much, and he didn't blush or breathe.

Moreover, Xiao Junyan would not have said these things before, but now he set a precedent for Mu Yue.

"Why are you humble?" Xiao Junyan glanced at Chen Yuansheng and said lightly, "This is what my wife deserves!"

In the end, Chen Yuansheng could only touch his nose awkwardly. He didn't want to talk to this guy too much. He just felt that every time he talked to this kid, he didn't get any benefit.

Moreover, it can always make him half to death.

Xiao Junyan sat beside Mu Yue, took the little bun out of her arms, and hugged him in his arms.

The little bun blinked his eyes, raised his head to meet his own stinky cold face, and suddenly showed aggrieved appearance on his small face, turned his head to look at Mu Yue, the voice of milk and the aggrieved cry, "Mom!"

Seeing that the "battle" between Xiao Junyan and Xiao Baozi had begun again, Mu Yue shook her head helplessly, "It's okay, your father misses you too, so let your father hug you!"

When Xiao Baozi heard Mu Yue's words, he raised his head and looked at his own stinky baba with suspicious eyes. His stinky baba missed himself? Show that he doesn't believe it!

But Xiao Junyan nodded, covering the bun's bare head with his big hand, and rubbing it fiercely, "Yeah, Dad misses you very much! I want to hug you!"

The little bun only felt a chill all over his body and shivered severely.

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help but smiled, covering his mouth, really don't know what to say.

Little Bun put his little finger into his mouth, blinked at Xiao Junyan, lowered his head again, and leaned against Xiao Junyan's big chest.

"Look, your father said that you really want to hug you, so let your father hug you!" Mu Yue said to the little bun amusedly.

The little bun raised his head, looked at Mu Yue's aggrieved eyes, flattened his small mouth, and felt that he was very pitiful.

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