Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3841: This is the source of confidence 3

Mu Yue looked at Nangong Linfeng and Nangong's old Patriarch, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and said playfully, "You said, am I too confident, or do you look down on us too much?"

The old Patriarch Nangong took a deep breath and looked at Mu Yue, "Then you are too small to look down on us masters in the ancient martial arts!"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, and said confidently, "I didn't underestimate it at all. Before I came, I had already investigated clearly. The poison I prepared is all aimed at you!"

Don't think that her poison is so good to stop them. It's not that you can prevent them without breathing. Her poison can make them poisoned if they are stained with clothes.

As long as she touches, the person touched by her will be poisoned.

Therefore, as long as they do not make a move, as long as they make a move, touch them, or get touched by them, they will be poisoned. Who dares to make another move?

Nangong Linfeng glanced at the old Nangong Patriarch and called out, "Dad!"

The old Patriarch of Nangong looked at Mu Yue and pointed her finger at her, "You really are very prepared! You are trying to force me to agree!"

"It has nothing to do with us. I only have one purpose, and that is to take my mother out of the ancient martial arts world. No one of you can stop it. Not only your Nangong family, but also the Shangguan family. The Shangguan family paid the price! I will make them regret what they did back then!" Mu Yue's eyes flashed with coldness, and what he said was extremely cold.

The old Nangong Patriarch looked at Mu Yue and sighed softly. This girl deserves to have the blood of their Nangong family. This arrogance looks admirable.

Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan also snorted coldly, both of them exuding a strong aura, indicating that they would not show weakness.

Nangong Linfeng said helplessly, "Alright, Dad, you shouldn't have come to embarrass them by calling them here!"

The old Nangong Patriarch turned his head and glared at Nangong Linfeng dissatisfiedly, then turned his head to look at Mu Yue, and said, "Since you know how to do it yourself, that's fine, let's talk about what we will do next!"

Mu Yue looked at the old Patriarch of Nangong, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, "Of course I want them to fight inwardly!"

"How do you make them fight inward?" Nangong Patriarch asked Mu Yue incomprehensibly.

Mu Yue's eyes gleamed with calculations, and said, "I can't say yet. The specifics depend on the actions of Nangong Wanting. All this depends on her!"

The old Patriarch of Nangong frowned, but turned his head and looked at Nangong Linfeng a little angrily.

Nangong Linfeng lay down and nodded helplessly, "I know, it's my fault!"

Although it was Nangong Yuehua's strong request that year, if he had guarded against their mother and daughter early in the past, nothing later would happen, nor would Nangong Yuehua beg him to keep them.

In fact, this was because he didn't take good care of Nangong Yuehua back then, and he actually harmed her.

"Since you already know how to do it, do it. If you need help, you can tell us!" Nangong Patriarch said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, "Then thank the old Patriarch!"

Regarding the attitude of the old Patriarch of Nangong at this time, she felt that his old man still hoped that she could return to the Nangong family.

Otherwise, what Xiao Baozi did to him just now, it is estimated that he is already angry.

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