Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3895: Shangguan Lian Poisoned 1

Shangguanxiang watched as the elders of his Shangguan family rushed towards Mu Yue and wanted to give Mu Yue to the uniform, but in the end it was all members of their Shangguan family who were defeated and kicked to the ground by Mu Yue, and his entire face was constantly blackened. .

At this moment, Shangguanxiang looked at Mu Yue in shock. He didn't expect that Mu Yue's skill was so strong that he defeated all the elders of his family, and he was still so relaxed. This is simply Chiguo. It's fruity to slap them in the face of the Shangguan family!

Seeing that only four or five elders did not go forward, Shangguan Xiang quickly scolded, "Stop!"

Shangguanxiang had a hunch that even if all of them here besieged Mu Yue today, it would be impossible to uniform Mu Yue and leave her behind.

Therefore, in order to prevent his Shangguan family from being ashamed, he can only prevent everyone from doing anything to Mu Yue again, lest all their Shangguan family's faces will be ashamed.

Mu Yue didn't listen to Shangguanxiang's words, and snorted secretly in her heart. She still kicked the people from the Shangguan clan and kicked them out with the last few spin kicks.

Watching the elders of the Shangguan family fall to the ground in pain one by one, clutching their wounds attacked by Mu Yue and screaming.

When Shangguan Xiang saw that the last remaining elders were also dealt with by Mu Yue, the expression on his face became even more incredible, and it also became very ugly.

Not only Shangguanxiang, but even the Zhuge, Ouyang, and Nangong families looked at Mu Yue in shock.

The second elder Nangong fiercely wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, secretly rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he was not an enemy of Mu Yue. Otherwise, he absolutely believed that if Mu Yue knew that they had touched her parents. , There will never be a good end in the future.

It's no wonder that the Nangong Banquet was about to start Mu Yue, and Mu Yue was really terrible.

"Hehe, Shangguan Patriarch, I'm really sorry, I was too excited just now, it was too smooth, I didn't control it, accidentally solved all the elders of your family!" Mu Yue said calmly, but, Everyone listened in their ears, but it was so frivolous and mocking.

What Mu Yue meant by this was that the elder of your family was too weak, and she just waved her hand and resolved it.

Moreover, she and your Shangguan family have hatreds, and finally found a chance to start with your Shangguan family upright, so she will not miss such a good opportunity.

Shangguanxiang and the others in the Shangguan family who were still standing looked at Mu Yue with ugly expressions, not knowing whether they were provoked or angry!

"Mu Yue, don't be too arrogant!" Shang Guanxiang gritted his teeth a bit, his eyes full of anger.

Even if Mu Yue is the daughter of Nangong Yuehua, now Mu Yue's hands have hit their faces, and he can't bear to swallow anymore.

The corners of Mu Yue's mouth rose slightly, and she looked at Shangguanxiang playfully, and said mockingly, "Hehe, I am arrogant? You know, the arrogant people are you, not me. A group of old guys want to besiege me, I just It's just self-defense, no wonder I! And, whoever made those guys too weak, I just waved and solved it, let alone blame me!"

This is more arrogant and arrogant than before, and it can be regarded as blatantly saying that the members of the Shangguan family are useless.

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