Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3906: Shocked Nangong Wanting 2

Nangong Wanting looked up at Shangguan Xiaoyao, then turned to look at the guard, and asked, "Then what's the situation now? How about Mu Yue and Shangguanlian's battle?"

She is most concerned about the situation of Mu Yue and Shangguanlian.

I don’t know if anyone in Shangguan’s family believes that Mu Yue gave Shangguanlian the medicine, or that Shangguanlian is dead.

The guard was silent for a while, and said, "There was no fight, and Mu Yue also injured the elders of the Shangguan family. Those elders can't hurt Mu Yue at all! The family members are also returning with the young master. On the way!"

Nangong Wanting heard it, her face instantly became very ugly.

The plan she wanted was to make Mu Yue and Shangguan Lian meet, or make Shangguan Lian die in Mu Yue's hands, but everything now deviated from the track of her own design.

"Damn it!" Nangong Wanting gritted her teeth, with immense resentment in her heart, her plan was so frustrated.

Suddenly thought of something, he quickly ordered his confidant, "You can't hide this matter, you go and kill the person who prescribed the medicine!"

"Yes!" When the guard heard this, he went down and killed the poisoner first.

They can say that the poisoning person can, but Shangguan is more convenient even for those close to him, and it is less likely to be noticed and suspected.

So they didn't do it personally, but went to Shangguanlian to let them poison them.

Everything is about to be revealed now. Soon, Shang Guanxiang will return to the family, and he will definitely investigate, if the poisoned person is investigated.

Under severe torture, they will definitely be told, and now only the mouth of the dead is the safest.

Nangong Wanting watched the guards go down, and quickly turned around and said to Shangguan Xiaoyao, "Yaoyao, you leave the Shangguan family immediately!"

Hearing what Nangong Wanting said, Shangguan Xiaoyao immediately cried out, "Why? Why should I leave the Shangguan family? I won't leave!"

Leave the Shangguan family? What is she?

She didn't want to leave here, so why let her leave instead of Mu Yue that **** wild species leave! She is the one who should leave most!

Seeing Shangguan’s slender attitude, Nangong Wanting anxiously persuaded, “You’re slender, you listen to your mother's words, you must leave. Only if you leave can you find a chance to avenge your mother and kill Mu Yue’s evil seed. In this way, Only our family can have a chance to stand up!"

Now she didn't expect to be able to get rid of this suspicion. She just wanted to let the Shangguan Yao leave the Shangguan family, look for opportunities, look for opportunities to kill Mu Yue, only when the evil seed died, could it be regarded as real revenge.

Moreover, Mu Yue is dead, even if Nangong Yuehua is awakened by Mu Yue's master?

Seeing her daughter die like this, she would definitely not be able to stand the stimulus. She won in the end.

Nangong Wanting grasped Shangguan’s slim shoulders with both hands, “I have a secret place. There are my people over there. They are all masters. Although they are not the cultivation base of cultivating the emptiness and harmony, they are not weak, as long as you If you find a chance, you can still kill Mu Yue!"

Since she wants to establish her own team and support her confidant, Nangong Wanting still has her own secret base. Only she knows about this place, but now he can't go and can only be admitted to the official and slim.

Hearing Nangong Wanting's words, Shangguan Xiaoya felt that he had found hope, and his eyes flashed with anger, "Okay! I want to kill that bitch, and I want that **** life to die!"

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