Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3938: Mother-in-law sees son-in-law 1

In the evening, Nangong Yuehua came out of the room and sat on the lawn outside. Mu Haixuan still had a hint of worry and anxiety on his face, "Yuehua, your body hasn't recovered yet!"

Nangong Yuehua smiled and waved her hand, "I'm fine, don't worry, our daughter is a genius doctor. After she treated me, my health is very good!"

"You just woke up, you still need to rest more!" Mu Haixuan still said uneasy.

After all, Nangong Yuehua was lying in bed and had been a vegetable for more than ten years, so he was still worried about her body.

Mu Yue smiled and walked over with the little bun, comforting Mu Haixuan, "Dad, don't worry, it's okay, Mom still needs to breathe more fresh air!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded, turned to look around, and said with a smile, "Moreover, I also want to see, this space in Yue'er, unexpectedly, actually exists like the ancient martial arts world. !"

Mu Haixuan nodded and said with a smile, "Yes! Only our daughter can have such a heaven-defying thing!"

Nangong Yuehua looked at Mu Yue tenderly, and said distressedly, "Yue'er, for so many years, I have really suffered you!"

After resting, Nangong Yuehua also learned from Mu Haixuan what she didn't know.

It turned out that even after Mu Haixuan was rescued, he still failed to bring his daughter back to Mu's house. He was also seriously injured and had amnesia.

This led to the fact that the people of the Mu family never found Mu Yue, leaving her living outside for more than ten years and suffering for so many years.

Mu Yue sat next to Nangong Yuehua and put her arms around her, "Mom, what you said, as long as the family can be reunited now and everyone can be together happily in the future, nothing matters!"

For her, as long as she can be with her family, the previous suffering is worth it.

Nangong Yuehua patted the back of Mu Yue's hand, "Well, we will definitely be happy in the future!"

"When the matter in the ancient martial world is resolved, we will go back and go back to Mu's house!" Mu Yue said firmly with a smile.

Nangong Yuehua heard that he left the ancient martial world and went to the Mu family of the secular world, and said worriedly, "Will the people in the ancient martial world let us leave?

Mu Yue's mouth raised a confident smile, "Don't worry, Mom, they will let us go, and they have to agree!"

"Don't mess around!" Nangong Yuehua listened, but she was worried and persuaded Mu Yue, "Yue'er, although I really want to be with your dad, I still hope not to do anything about me and your dad. adventure!"

Mu Yue smiled and comforted Nangong Yuehua, "Mom, don't worry, I won't try hard, I'm not that stupid!"

"Yes! Yuehua, our daughter is very capable!" Mu Haixuan said with a smile and comforted Nangong Yuehua.

"I will also protect Yue!" At this moment, Xiao Junyan also stepped forward and said firmly to Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua raised her head, looked at Xiao Junyan, and met his firm and pitch-black pupils, with a gentle smile on her face, "Well! Xiao Xiao, in the future, Yue'er will rely on you!"

"Mom!" Xiao Junyan squatted beside Mu Yue, "Supper is ready and ready to eat!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Nangong Yuehua was instantly distracted, and was even more satisfied with Xiao Junyan, and said complimentingly, "Hahaha, Yue'er has found a good man!"

"Huh! Just a brat who only knows how to flatter!" Mu Haixuan snorted, and said with contempt.

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