Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3977: The truth is revealed 4

When Mu Haixuan heard Nangong Wanting's words, he stared at her angrily, "No wonder, the place where Yuehua and I live in seclusion will be known to you. People from the Hua family told you!"

"Yes!" Nangong Wanting looked at Mu Haixuan triumphantly, and then at Elder Nangong, "I also passed this matter to the Nangong family and Shangguan family, and let them kill you, but unfortunately, your life is hard for you. , I didn't die even like this!"

Nangong Linfeng was also gritted with anger. If his people hadn't come in time, it is estimated that Nangong Yuehua would have died long ago.

Nangong Wanting turned her head, looked at Grand Elder Nangong, and smiled triumphantly, "Elder, do you think your son died because of serious injuries? Actually, I poisoned your son. Poisoned in his medicine, not only failed to cure his disease, but made him worse, and died in the end!"

When the Grand Elder heard Nangong Wanting's words, he suddenly raised his head and screamed frantically, "Why! Why are you doing this!"

Nangong Wanting smiled triumphantly again, "Why, isn't it obvious? Your son was pulled down as a candidate for the young master of the Nangong family by Nangong Yuehua, and died because of her, would you let her go? "

Understanding the reasons for all this, the elder was angry and anguished, and started crying again in pain.

Nangong Wanting looked at the grand elder's regret and became even more proud, and turned to look at Shangguanxiang, "And you, Shangguanxiang, do you really think that the first time you were with me was because you were drunk? No, I gave you the medicine. You mistaken me for Nangong Yuehua, and had a relationship with me, and because of that time, I had our son! I have a firm position in the Shangguan family!"

When Shangguanxiang heard the news from Nangong Wanting one by one, his face turned blue and red with anger.

"It seems that you have designed so many people for yourself, and they haven't noticed, so I'm very happy!" Mu Yue said to Nangong Wanting in a very flat tone.

Nangong Wanting turned her head and stared at Mu Yue fiercely, "Shouldn't it be so happy?"

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Unfortunately, I didn't have your plan from beginning to end!"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the smug smile on Nangong Wanting's face stiffened.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, "You don't seem to know, why, you gave me a condom, I haven't done it, right?"

Nangong Wanting stared at Mu Yue angrily, "Why! Why do you know everything!"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, nodded her chin, and said, "As the protégé of the mysterious doctor, naturally I can pinch and count. The first time I see your son, I know your son and me. The relationship between is only hostile, and then your mother Qian Lejun, this woman is selfish, cruel, and ungrateful. I can tell at a glance! My mother is poisoned by her! And I didn't let you know about this. , Your mother didn't know that I was able to detoxify my mother's body, making you mistakenly think that my mother can't detoxify yet!"

When Qian Lejun heard what Mu Yue said, his face was full of pain and regret.

Mu Yue continued to say calmly, "The person next to your mother, Chun Ju, has long been instigated. We know everything you do. We know your plan very well. Everything you do is in In my plan! Even the battle between me and Shangguan Company is deliberately set for you, and see what you do!"

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