Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3982: Mother and daughter who want to die 2

Shangguanxiang wanted to leave, but Shangguan Yanran rushed to Shangguanxiang’s feet, hugged his feet, and shouted, “Dad, don’t leave, you don’t leave me, I don’t stay here, I No, you take me back, I'm your daughter, you can't give me to that **** Mu Yue..."

Shangguan Yanran knew very well that if she stayed here, she would definitely not end well.

Seeing Shangguan Yanran who was holding her calf, Shangguanxiang's face was very ugly, and she turned away with a cold face.

"This is your own mother and daughter's trouble, you solve it yourself!"

He had never regarded Shangguan Yanran as his own daughter without first, let alone the daughter that Nangong Wanting designed for him to give birth.

Now I think about Nangong Wanting's design of him so much, so he missed so much. He hates the house and doesn't care about the life and death of this daughter.

"Shangguanxiang, you are so cold-blooded and merciless!" Nangong Wanting cried out in anger and hatred when she saw Shangguanxiang treating her daughter Shangguan Yanran this way.

Just now she saw the elder Shangguan Taishang being brought up, and she was so embarrassed that she was so shocked that she didn't say anything for a while.

After hearing the screams of Shangguan Yanran being kicked by Shangguanxiang, she recovered and felt extremely angry.

Shangguanxiang turned his head and looked at Nangong Wanting coldly, "That's how I treat your daughter, why? I feel distressed?"

Nangong Wanting resisted the guard who pressed her down, and yelled at Shangguan Xiang angrily, "That's your daughter! How can you treat your daughter like this, how can you be so cold-blooded and ruthless!"

"Hehehe, my daughter? You can count me and others. I don't know if you counted other men and brought me a green hat!" Shangguan Xiang said in a cold voice, mockingly.

Nangong Wanting's face turned blue and red when Shangguanxiang was talking, her eyes widened. Although she had counted many people, but her whole body was Shangguanxiang's, and she had never been intimate with other men. .

Even if she was the son of the great elder back then, she didn't go too far, at most she kissed, and didn't pierce the last layer.

However, she did not expect that Shangguan Xiang would even say that she had a relationship with another man.

"Shangguanxiang, you are useless!" In addition to anger, Nangong Wanting was still angry, and she wished to kill Shangguanxiang.

Shangguanxiang sneered and looked at Nangong Wanting mockingly, "However, you still have a lot of money to marry me! Since you have done so many things, you have to pay for everything you do! "

He believed that even if he didn't take revenge, Mu Yue would take revenge, and Nangong Wanting and the others would not end well.

"I believe that Mu Yue will give me a satisfactory arrangement, and you will definitely die very miserably!" Shangguanxiang snorted coldly, and turned to leave.

Nangong Wanting twisted her body, hissing, tears falling down, painful and regretful.

She did not regret that she had calculated Nangong Yuehua, but rather regretted that she had married Shangguanxiang.

This man was so terrible and so ruthless that he just threw their mother and daughter here and gave them to others to execute them.

Shangguan Yanran was extremely angry and hated Shangguanxiang, but she still shouted, "Dad, don't go, don't go, you take me away, take me away! I don't want to stay here! I don't want to ..."

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