Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3991: Shangguanxiang's Attitude 1

The fact that Chang Ling begged for Mu Yue at the gate of the Nangong family instantly spread to the ears of other family members.

Patriarch Zhuge heard the news with a shocked expression on his face, "Chang Ling went to Mu Yue, but Mu Yue didn't agree? She threatened to kill everyone in the Shangguan family? Hey! How dare you be brave!"

Zhuge Jin frowned, with a look of surprise on her face, and said, "Isn't Mu Yue afraid to arouse the anger of the entire Shangguan family when he speaks these words?"

"Yeah! Mu Yue's words are too arrogant! Even if her cultivation is in the late stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao, it is impossible to kill everyone in the Shangguan family!" Zhuge Yan nodded in agreement, but in her tone of voice They are all deeply admired and admired.

Although she admired Mu Yue's strong Zhuge Yan, she felt that Mu Yue and the others were still unable to fight against the Shangguan family.

However, after hearing what Zhuge Yan said, Zhuge Jin shook her head and said with a smile, "Sister, don't underestimate Mu Yue!"

When Zhuge Yan heard this, she looked at Zhuge Jin in surprise and puzzled. "Brother, what do you mean by this? You mean, can Mu Yue?"

"Yeah!" Zhuge Jin nodded.

Patriarch Zhuge also said with a smile, "Yes, it is indeed possible for Mu Yue to kill the Shangguan family!"

"Why?" Zhuge Yan suddenly asked in surprise.

Zhugejin kindly reminded Zhuge Yan, "Hehe, sister, don't forget, where does Mu Yue live now!"

Zhuge Yan still didn't understand and said, "Nangong family? Why? Is there any difference?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Gejin nodded and explained, "It's at the Nangong family. Do you think if the Nangong family doesn't care about her, will she be allowed to enter the Nangong family?"

Zhugeyan touched her chin, frowned, and said in a puzzled way, "But, after all, Mu Yue is the daughter of a daughter married by the Nangong family. It's impossible for the Nangong family to help her?"

"Hehehe..." Zhugejin touched Zhugeyan's head and said, "Yes, it's like this under normal circumstances, but don't forget Mu Yue's talent and identity! Mu Yue's talent is supernatural, two At the age of ten, she has already broken through to the late stage of Lianxu Hedao. Such a talent will certainly not let the Nangong family let her go! Even if she can't stay in the Nangong family, let her bind the Nangong family!

Zhuge Yan nodded thoughtfully, "Yes!"

"Also, Mu Yue is the daughter of the Secretary of the Secret Service of the Secular World, the wife of the Deputy Director Xiao Junyan, and Xiao Junyan is also a closed disciple of the former head of the Kunlun School. Nangong family will not allow the Shangguan family to hurt her!" Zhuge Jin said analytically, "This also leads to, if the Shangguan family dared to resist, haha...the secular world, Kunlun faction and Nangong family will not allow them Do it!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhuge Yan understood in an instant, so under the oppression of these parties, the Shangguan family really didn't dare to act rashly, and could only suffer from this dumb loss.

Patriarch Zhuge said with a smile, "So, don't look at Mu Yue's young age, but he is not someone in our ancient martial arts who can move!"

Zhugeyan suddenly held her **** with her hands in a gesture of worship, "Mu Yue is really amazing, she will be my idol in the future!"

Patriarch Zhuge and Zhuge Jin shook their heads dumbly when they saw Zhuge Yan's appearance.

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