Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3993: Shangguanxiang's Attitude 3

The great elder heard what the doctors said, and looked at the great elder who was rolling in pain on the bed, his heart trembled, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Thinking of the appearance of the Supreme Elder, the Elder couldn’t help but said to Shang Guanxiang, “Patriarch, I have a very important thing to tell you!”

The anger on Shangguanxiang's face was slightly reduced, and he nodded and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Therefore, the elder told Shangguanxiang what he had heard from Chang Ling.

Shangguanxiang listened, turned his head to look at the elder, and asked in surprise, "What you said is true? Mu Yue said, if we don't hand over those people, she will convict other unrelated people? "

The elder nodded solemnly, "Yes! Patriarch, do you think she... is capable?"

"Ha ha ha... This girl is really amazing!" Shang Guan Xiang couldn't help feeling amazed and regretful in his heart.

Soon, Shangguanxiang and Patriarch Zhuge thought together, and they all understood why Mu Yue could say these things.

And now the screams of the elders are still in their ears, so they have to believe.

The elder frowned and asked Shang Guanxiang, "Patriarch, what are we going to do about this matter?"

Shang Guanxiang glanced at the Supreme Elder, hesitated, walked to the bed, and looked at the painful expression of the Supreme Elder on the bed, "Elder Supreme, did you hear what we said just now?"

The elder Taishang endured the pain and said, "Listen... hear!"

"What should we do?" Shang Guanxiang asked the Supreme Elder. This matter still has to be approved by one of the Supreme Elders.

Sure enough, the Supreme Elder had already panicked at Mu Yue, and only said one word, "Hand in! And... I... my antidote!"

He doesn't care if those people will die or not, as long as he can live, he can't take it anymore, and it's best to use them to exchange the antidote for him.

If Mu Yue were here, he would probably sneer. This old guy is also a selfish ghost, wanting to exchange so many lives for his life.

Perhaps, in the heart of the Supreme Elder, so many people, it is their honor to die for him.

Hearing what the Supreme Elder said, Shang Guanxiang nodded and turned to look at the Supreme Elder.

When the elder saw Shangguanxiang nodding, he was immediately delighted, "I'll go to a meeting right away!"

He knew that this time he would definitely be able to succeed. After all, there was an answer from an overly superior elder, even if the elders wanted to resist, they had to weigh it.

Shangguanxiang watched the great elder leave, then turned to look at the great elder, and asked the doctor, "Then can you use the silver needle to control the poison of the great elder?"

The doctor shook his head and said regretfully, "No, we have tried it and we can't control it. I guess, what technique was used!"

If Mu Yue heard the doctor's words, she would have sneered. She was able to control the poisonous hair of the elder too, it was because she added her own internal force into the silver needle to temporarily suppress the toxic effect of the elder too.

And they didn’t know Mu Yue’s needle injection skills. Naturally, they couldn’t help the elder Taishang control the toxicity in the same way. Otherwise, how could Mu Yue allow them to take him back and not take these disposable silver needles. Come down.

Shangguanxiang sighed, looked at Mu Yue again in his heart, and said angrily before leaving, "Look at the elder Taishang, try your best to detoxify!"


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