Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3998: The old guys all out 2

Shangguan’s old Patriarch looked at these Taishang elders who had made their own remarks mockingly. Until they finished speaking, they said lightly, "Did you finish?"

The supreme elders didn't say anything after speaking, they all turned to look at the old paternal master, waiting for his answer.

Shangguan’s old Patriarch sneered secretly in his heart, and said in a very flat tone, “Since I’m finished, I’ll just talk about it, and I’ll ask you what you are going to do!”

The elders looked at each other and made eye contact with each other.

"Naturally cannot agree to Mu Yue's request!"

"Not only can I not agree to Mu Yue's request, but also make her and her unruly mother kowtow to apologize!"

"Yes, this matter was originally at the fault of the Nangong family. Since Nangong Yuehua is not dead, we can show kindness not to kill her, but they must apologize to our Shangguan family, otherwise, how are we Shangguan family? Foothold in the ancient martial arts world!"

These great elders were completely blinded by their younger generations to the power and abilities behind Mu Yue, and they immediately felt that Mu Yue was incapable, that was, they could make them round.

Therefore, at this time they will say these arrogant words.

Shangguan's old Patriarch secretly sighed in his heart, only feeling that if this continues, their Shangguan family will really be finished.

"Ha ha ha, do you take yourself too seriously?" Shangguan's old Patriarch couldn't help but sarcastically said to these old guys.

These old guys who had been the elders of the Supreme Supreme Being for a long time all showed dissatisfaction when they heard the words of the old Patriarch of Shangguan.

What does this mean?

Shangguan’s old Patriarch glanced at the elders, reminded them kindly, and said, “I don’t know if you understand Mu Yue, what identity she is, and how powerful she is!”

"What kind of identity!" A elder too scornful said.

Another Taishang elder said mockingly, "Even if her father is the head of the Secret Service of the secular world, he cannot be against our Shangguan family!"

Hearing the ridicule and contempt of these elders towards Mu Yue, the eyes of the old Patriarch of Shangguan looking at these elders were also full of ridicule.

Facing the eyes of Shangguan’s old Patriarch, all the Supreme Elders silently closed their mouths.

Shangguan’s old patriarch really couldn’t bear it. These old guys really embarrassed him and slapped the table angrily. "It’s just the chief of the secret service of the secular world? This is what you know about Mu Yue? You all live like this. For a long time, do you want to die? Even Mu Yue did not investigate the investigation clearly, just so arrogantly! You want to die, don't involve our entire Shangguan family!"

Being reprimanded by the Shangguan’s old Patriarch, some elders who were accustomed to being aloof were still dissatisfied and said, "What kind of power can there be? Nangong family? The Nangong family will definitely not be against our Shangguan family!"

In their hearts, isn't the force behind Mu Yue the Nangong family?

They also thought about it a bit, Mu Yue's cultivation base is the late stage of refining the void and combining the Tao, and may be valued by the Nangong family.

However, even if it was taken seriously, the Nangong family would never really fight against them under the intimidation of so many elders from their Shangguan family.

And Mu Yue is so arrogant, this is to provoke their Shangguan family, and the Nangong family will definitely not help her.

After all, Mu Yue was the first to pick things up, and the Nangong family would not break the balance of the ancient martial arts world.

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