Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4004: Old guy looking for 2

"Damn it! I want my sister-in-law to kowtow to you, do you have this life?" Ye Tianming heard this, and suddenly became angry, and yelled at the elders of the Shangguan family.

These people are so naive, do you really think they dare not fight with their Shangguan family?

What happened to the balance? They are not afraid of these ancient martial arts people, dare to provoke them, then fight!

They are soldiers, and they are not afraid of death!

If you dare to bully Mu Yue, neither he nor Xiao Junyan will let them go.

If they say they want to disrupt the balance, that would be disrupted. They really are not afraid of them!

I really regarded myself as a sweet potato, so arrogant in front of them.

Xiao Junyan also used his deep and indifferent eyes to sweep coldly toward these elders of the Shangguan family.

Had it not been for Mu Yue to lean on her, he would have gone up to teach these great elders a long time ago.

And Mu Yue also knew his character and methods, and deliberately leaned in his arms to suppress him from doing it.

"What's wrong with the Shangguan family? I have never been afraid of Mu Haixuan!" Mu Haixuan also took a step forward, with a powerful momentum rising from his body, turned out to be the late stage of refining the void and combining the Dao.

Originally, Mu Haixuan's talent was very good, but if it weren't for the things of the year, he had left him with a heart-knot, and he would never be able to break through.

Only after Mu Yue rescued Nangong Yuehua and saw that she was safe and sound, the demon in Mu Haixuan's heart was eliminated.

Mu Haixuan also took this opportunity to make a breakthrough, breaking through from the peak of the initial stage of refining the void to the late stage of refining the void in one fell swoop.

It was supposed to be in the middle stage of refining the emptiness and combining the Tao, but Mu Haixuan has been unable to break through because of his heart knot. A large amount of strength has been accumulated in his body, and this breakthrough is directly more than just a point.

Therefore, at this time, facing these old fellows of the Shangguan family, Mu Haixuan had no sense of fear at all.

Mu Haixuan sighed in his heart because of the pursuit and cruelty of the Shangguan family back then. Now that he is threatened and provoked by the Shangguan family, how can he endure it?

Today, he must take his revenge against him and let them know that his family is not easy to bully!

When Mu Yue saw what was coming from Mu Haixuan's body, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "In the late stage of refining the virtual and combining the Tao? When did Dad break through?"

Xiao Junyan smiled slightly and explained to Mu Yue, "Mom broke through soon after she woke up! Your cultivation is the same as your dad, so I didn't notice it!"

Xiao Junyan was aware of Mu Haixuan's breakthrough, because his cultivation base was higher than him, but Mu Yue was not much different from Mu Haixuan, so he didn't notice it.

In addition, Mu Haixuan didn't tell Mu Yue about the happy event that Nangong Yuehua woke up. As a result, no one knows that his cultivation is the late stage of refining the void and combining the Tao with the exception of Xiao Junyan.

"Haha!" Mu Yue listened and laughed.

She had always known that Mu Haixuan's talent was actually very powerful, but it was only because of things back then that restricted his cultivation and kept him unable to break through.

Now Nangong Yuehua wakes up, their family is reunited, and without the knots, naturally they can take the opportunity to break through the cultivation base.

However, she had always been thinking about how to calculate the Shangguan family, she didn't care about Mu Haixuan's cultivation base, and she really gave him a big surprise today!

Mu Yue was still very happy to see Mu Haixuan's cultivation base breakthrough, at least he was relieved of what happened back then.

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