Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4011: Kicked off the Taishang elder again 3

The people watching the theater around the Nangong family just watched Mu Yue and the others fought against the Taishang elders and elders of the Shangguan family.

Hearing that people from the Shangguan clan had arrived, and they were still at the elder level, some other members of the Nangong clan ran out one after another.

However, when they ran out, they saw that their Patriarch and Mu Yue had already started fighting with the Shangguan family.

As the current young master of the Nangong family, Nangong Yangchen almost stared at this situation.

"What happened? What the **** is going on?" Nangong Yang Chen asked, turning his head to look at the surrounding guards.

The guard who had seen the end from the beginning heard Nangong Yang Chen's question and quickly reported.

Nangong Yangchen, the second elder Nangong and others heard the reason, and almost immediately dropped their jaws, staring at the battle scene in front of them.

"This...what is this called!" Nangong Yang Chen no longer knew what to do, and was anxious. "Grandpa, what are we going to do now?"

Although he is the young master, but, where did he face such a scene, he quickly asked his grandfather, the second elder Nangong.

The second elder Nangong also frowned and his face was complicated. At this time, he was also very entangled, and he didn't know what to do.

"Yes, what about the second elder?"

Some of the elders behind are also worried and worried.

They have never faced such a scene before, and now in the entire Nangong family, apart from the Patriarch and the old Patriarch, Nangong Linfeng, Nangong Yangchen and the Second Elder are the largest.

Nangong Yangchen is the young master, and the second elder is also the grandfather of Nangong Yangchen. The status is very high, and these elders can only ask them.

The second elder waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, let's watch it first. If the Patriarch needs us, it won't be too late for us to make a move!"

"Okay!" Hearing the orders of the second elders, they were all anxiously watching the battle in front of them.

Although the second elder kept these elders still, he still asked Nangong Linfeng, "Patriarch, do you want us to help?"

Hearing the second elder's question, Han Tao cursed, "What can I do for you, go on the side, nothing to do with you!"

It was hard for his old man to have the opportunity to do it well. How could he let these Nangong family members intervene?

If they intervene, where does his old man have the opportunity to do it?

After being scolded by Han Tao, the second elder's face turned blush and blue, and his face was embarrassed.

And the old Patriarch of Nangong on one side also said, "There's nothing about you here, just stay here!"

He also didn't believe that these few of them couldn't defeat these old fellows of the Shangguan family. If they were asked to help, they would lose face.

After receiving the order of the old Patriarch, the second elder, Nangong Yangchen and others dare not do it anymore.

And they also feel that if they do it, it is estimated that the Nangong family and the Shangguan family will fight.

But the scene in front of him should not go anywhere in the battle, because he was worried about the safety of Nangong Patriarch and Nangong Linfeng.

There are only seven people on their side, and there are 30 people from the Shangguan family on the other side.

This is definitely a group beating of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan. How can this keep the Nangong family from worrying and anxious?

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