Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4016: More and more spectators 2

As Mu Yue and the others are still fighting, the members of the Ouyang family, Zhuge family, and Shangguan family who have received the news have also successively arrived at the Nangong family.

In order to see the situation, they almost all stepped on the roof and flew in the air, and quickly came to the roof near the Ouyang family, watching the battle between Mu Yue and others and the Shangguan family in mid-air.

Zhugeyan wiped the sweat from her face, took a few breaths, stared at the situation of the Nangong family, and exclaimed in disbelief, "Damn, it's true! The fighting is so crazy? Are you still fighting? "

"I haven't decided the winner yet?" Zhuge Jin also showed a shocked look on his face. He also didn't expect that Mu Yue and the others had not decided the winner yet.

They glanced at the battlefield and found that only Mu Yue and the other seven people from the Shangguan family fought, and none of the others took action. The Nangong family members stopped talking, standing outside watching the battle one by one, and there was no sign of action.

"Is this the Shangguan family beating Mu Yue and the others?" Even the Patriarch Zhuge almost stared out in shock.

They also listened to their reports, but they didn't know that the Nangong family had never taken any action for such a long time.

They also noticed the current situation. No one else took part in this battle. Only Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were fighting.

What does this mean? It represents the fighting power of Mu Yue and the seven of them.

Especially the strong fighting power of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, this made them Patriarchs have to admire.

What ability and skill did Mu Yue and the others have, fighting with the elders of the Shangguan family for so long.

"They are all the elders of the Shangguan family!" Zhuge Yan subconsciously grabbed Zhuge Jin's arm and said in shock.

Zhuge Jin didn't seem to feel Zhuge Yan's actions, but also stared at the fighting situation of Mu Yue and the others, and she inhaled repeatedly.

"Mu Yue, this is a one person playing against three late stages of refining the emptiness and the Dao, and a middle stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao? Isn't this too incredible?" Zhuge Jin also said in amazement.

For him, even if it was so hard for him to fight against Shangguans of almost the same level, he was directly defeated.

Now it was replaced by Mu Yue, but it was a single person who fought three of the same level, plus a slightly weaker level.

"Yeah!" Zhuge Yan also nodded in agreement, her small face flushed with excitement, her eyes staring, "Idol! Idol! The real idol! It's amazing! It's so abnormal! , Brother, you are really weak compared to Mu Yue, okay?"

Yes, it's really weak, and even a small Shangguan can't beat it, and he was beaten so miserably.

Compared with the current Mu Yue, it is basically a sky and an underground, it can't be compared!

"Oh!" Zhuge Jin also nodded fiercely, sighing again and again in her heart, feeling very aggrieved in her heart, this is the gap!

Mu Yue, a small woman could be even stronger than him, and even perverted.

How did she do it?

Or is it that people in the secular world are very perverted and enchanting?

Because in addition to Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan and Mu Haixuan also did the same, fighting alone against several people of the same level.

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