Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4033: Have another wedding 1

With the passage of time, the effect of the drug was applied, and Mu Yue controlled the effect of the drug, and deliberately gave them time, otherwise the attack would have occurred long ago.

Originally, they were still suspicious, who let the toxicity not happen.

However, they regretted it until the attack.

Waves of miserable screams came almost at the same time, echoing above the Shangguan family.

"Damn it!" These Supreme Elders rolled directly on the ground in pain.

They didn't expect that this matter was real, and this pain was really not something they would endure.

Now I finally understand why the Supreme Elder can't bear the pain anymore.

As for those elders who got the medicine, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief secretly when they saw these elders who hadn't changed the antidote yet.

They never thought that the poison was so strong.

"Fortunately, fortunately! We have changed the medicine!" The elder Tai Shang patted his chest and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Another Taishang elder said, "I think I should go in retreat. I don't want to go out anymore, let alone see Mu Yue!"

"Come here, hurry up and help me go back to the forbidden area!" A elder trembling, quickly let his younger generation help him to leave, and go to the forbidden area to practice.

Even if he is seriously injured now, he is not willing to seek revenge on Mu Yue anymore, they are really terrifying.

As Mu Yue said, half of their bodies were already in the coffin, so what else did they jump out?

Now that I have suffered such a serious injury, I don't know when I will be able to recover!

They have already lost a lot of money and can no longer lose money.

"Come...come, hurry up and take out the medicinal materials prepared for me, I...I'm going to give it to Mu Yue!" The elder Taishang had already trembling in his own voice, and told his junior to take the prepared things and change Antidote.

They didn't believe it in the first place, but sometimes they would rather believe it and not trust it. Things are still prepared, so now it's so fast.

"Come and come!"

One by one, the Shangguan family members called their juniors and asked them to take themselves to the Nangong family.

They didn't believe it or not, and they had to change the antidote right away, otherwise they would have been just like the Supreme Elder, and had to bear it all the time.

Only those Supreme Elders who could be exchanged, those who had chased after Nangong Yuehua and the others, were not qualified to do so.

What Mu Yue asked for was to change the antidote himself, and if they wanted to give it to others, just let them.

"I'm coming!"

"Damn, so many people are here!"

"All of them are here!"

No one thought that the elders of the Shangguan clan would come to the Nangong clan one after another.

One by one, they lined up to ask for the cure. The guards who watched the Nangong family's gate were staring and almost all their jaws fell.

"All of them are here!" Nangong Linfeng smiled and listened to the security guard's report, and asked them to make arrangements.

Ye Tianming said with a sneer, "There are only a few antidotees, I have to recognize people, and see if there is any pretending to be there!"

He stayed here to check whether there was anyone who pretended to be an antidote, and those who had chased and killed Mu Yue's parents shouldn't let it go.

If he had missed it, he estimated that not only would he be squeezed alive by Mu Yue, even Xiao Junyan would never let him go.


Thank you so much for your reward! muah!

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