Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4037: The Great Elder Seeks 2

The elder directly asked to come, hoping that Mu Yue could give Shangguanlian treatment.

"Little Miss, the elder of the Shangguan family came to visit, I hope you can detoxify Shangguan Company!" The guard reported to Mu Yue and the others.

Ye Tianming smiled happily, "The Shangguan family still can't sit still, we still have to let the little sister-in-law to detoxify him, haha...That's right, in this world, no one except the little sister-in-law can help him detoxify !"

He knew Mu Yue's medical skills very well, and it was precisely because of his understanding that he knew that it was impossible for the doctors in the ancient martial world to detoxify the upper tube company with their medical skills.

Considering so many treasures of heaven, material and earth, it is estimated that none of them will be worth tens of billions.

"Well, I see, I'll go out to meet him!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile.

Xiao Junyan stood beside Mu Yue and said with concern, "I'll be with you!"

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded.

"Are you going to the Shangguan family to detoxify Shangguanlian? No, it's too dangerous! That's a wolf den!" Nangong Lin Feng didn't dare anymore, worried and said to Mu Yue anxiously.

Han Tao nodded in agreement, and said concerned, "Yes! Who knows if the Shangguan family will detain you!"

Mu Yue smiled confidently, "They don't have the courage and ability yet!"

She didn't think that even if she went to the Shangguan family, she wouldn't be able to return.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Han Tao coldly, his voice was cold, full of strong momentum, "With me, no one can hurt his wife!"

Han Tao was taken aback, and nodded with a haha ​​smile, "Yes, right, right, that's right, no one can hurt him with you as a stinky boy!"

However, Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, and said to Mu Yue, "Xiao Yueer, I will accompany you, too. With Dad here, no one can hurt you!"

Mu Yue refused with a smile, "No, Dad, just stay with Mom here. Mom needs my company more than I do! I believe the Shangguan family will not do anything to me, otherwise, neither will you. I will let them go!"

The old Patriarch Nangong nodded, "The Shangguan family is not so stupid, don't worry!"

"Well, then I'll go meet the elder first!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Little Bun opened his arms when he saw Mu Yue was about to leave, "Mom..."

Mu Yue smiled and squeezed Little Bun's small cheek, and said dozingly, "Little Bun, stay here with grandpa and them obediently. Mom will come as soon as she goes, you know?"

"Okay!" Although the little bun was unwilling, he nodded obediently.

Mu Yue smiled and stroked Xiao Baozi's head, and took Xiao Junyan to the front hall with him.

As the Patriarch, Nangong Linfeng also followed behind, wanting to see what the Great Elder would do.

At this time, the great elder of the Shangguan family was walking around the hall with his hands on his back.

Although when I went to find Shangguanxiang, he said that he was confident that Mu Yue would detoxify Shangguanlian, but to be honest, the elder was still a little worried at this time.

It is true that the previous Shangguan family has done a bit too far, and I am afraid that Mu Yue is still angry and will not go to detoxify Shangguan company so quickly.

While the great elder was worried and speculating in his heart, he heard a sound of footsteps.

The great elder turned around and saw Mu Yue and others come in. A smile appeared on his face for an instant, and he fisted at Mu Yue, "Miss Mu!"

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