Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4041: Treatment condition 3

The great elder and Changling brought the heavenly talents to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue looked at the large and small boxes placed in the hall, and looked at the precious medicinal materials inside. They were at least a hundred years old, and there were some rare varieties.

The Great Elder watched Mu Yue's inspection with worry, and was very nervous, for fear that Mu Yue would be dissatisfied.

Chang Ling was also very anxious and worried. She couldn't stand her temper and asked directly, "Miss Mu, how is it?"

These treasures of heaven and earth are enough to compete with the things sent by the elders of the Supreme Being, and it is one-third of those amounts. It is estimated that the elder has already ruined his family.

Mu Yue also believed that the elder would definitely not hide his privates at this time, after all, he was reluctant to let his children catch wolves.

As long as the Shangguan Company's poison is detoxified, he will retain the position of Young Master, so that he will be eligible to become the Patriarch of the Shangguan Family.

Became the head of the entire Shangguan family, and can get back what is lost now.

Therefore, the great elder has now taken out everything he can take, and there is absolutely no hidden privates, he still thinks very clearly.

Chang Ling also loves her son, and wants her son to become the owner of the family, and she also took out all her private possessions.

Mu Yue checked all of them and nodded, "Well, it's okay!"

"Alright?" Hearing these three words from Mu Yue made the two elders and Chang Ling a little worried.

Chang Ling asked Mu Yue with a trembling voice, "Then...Miss Mu, can you detoxify my son?"

Mu Yue nodded in the expectant eyes of the Great Elder and Chang Ling, "Yes!"


With Mu Yue's consent, the Great Elder and Chang Ling breathed a sigh of relief, with a bright smile on their faces.

However, their smiles hadn't been maintained, and immediately they heard Mu Yue speak again, "But..."

"But what?"

That's how the people of Huaxia speak, and it is obvious that a good sentence can have a turning point.

Hearing the two words Mu Yue uttered, the stone that the Great Elder and Chang Ling put down in their hearts was lifted up again.

They only felt that if Shangguan Lian was puzzled by the poison, they couldn't really feel relieved.

Mu Yue smiled at them and said, "However, you are sure, I have gone to your Shangguan family, won't your Shangguan family embarrass me?"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, the elder secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "Miss Mu, please rest assured, no, absolutely not, I guarantee it!"

"Are you sure other people won't?" Mu Yue raised an eyebrow and looked at the elder.

The elder swears, "If they dare to hurt Miss Mu, they will do it right with me! They will not do anything to hurt Miss Mu!"

"Who knew that I cured Shangguan Company for you, and your Shangguan family members will besiege me!" Mu Yue said with a faint smile.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the Great Elder and Chang Ling, Mu Yue was very happy.

Chang Ling knelt on the ground again, saying, "Miss Mu, I can swear that if the Shangguan family embarrass you, I will die!"

She was very worried, because Mu Yue was unwilling to detox Shangguanlian because of this concern.

The elder glanced at Chang Ling, frowned, and hurriedly made suggestions, "Then...Miss Mu, shall we send Lian'er to the Nangong family for treatment? Is it possible? Here, no one will embarrass you anymore! "

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