Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4047: Shangguan Lian apologized 3

Regardless of whether they have the qualifications to negotiate terms with Mu Yue, as long as there is hope, they still have to work hard.

The elders had asked many times, but this time they finally agreed, although they paid a lot of money.

But those are just things outside of the body, life does not bring death and does not take away, as long as they are alive, they are not tired of living!

As for the people of the Shangguan family who had been poisoned by Mu Yue, she didn't know what ideas she had. All she cared about was the next wedding of Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan.

The old Nangong Patriarch and them were all in Mu Yue's yard, playing with the little buns while discussing the wedding of Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan.

"Since Yuehua and Mu Haixuan have held their wedding here, what about you, Yueer? You haven't married Xiao Junyan yet? You can also hold it here!" Nangong Patriarch said to Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

Mu Yue shook his head, and said with a smile, "I don't need it anymore, I'd better go outside and get married!"

It doesn't matter whether she gets married or not in the ancient martial world. What she wants is for Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan to marry in the ancient martial world. This is to rectify the names of her mother and father.

They Guwujie did not admit that she wanted them to hold a grand wedding in Guwujie, even if it was more than 20 years late, it had to be held.

Don't you look down on your father Mu Haixuan? Then, she would let all the people in the ancient martial arts know that they could be touched by the joy of two people.

Nangong Patriarch heard this, but said in disapproval, "Why not? This is a rare opportunity!"

What he wanted was for Mu Yue to marry from the Nangong family, which proved that she belonged to their Nangong family.

It's really that the girl's talent is too bad, too enchanting.

"Yeah! You haven't had a wedding yet! Just like your mother, you can do two games!" Nangong Linfeng also hoped that Mu Yue could have a wedding.

But Mu Yue still refused, and glanced at Xiao Junyan, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "No, just one wedding is enough!"

She didn't think about the thoughts of Nangong's father and son. As long as she can be with Xiao Junyan, even if she doesn't get married, she will be fine. Getting married only needs to be done once, and there is no need to hold so many times.

Han Tao heard this, waved his hand, and ruthlessly exposed their purpose, "Go go, don't you just want to prove the relationship between Mu Yue and your Nangong family? Humph, even if you are married, you still get married. Our Kunlun school has nothing to do with you!"

Speaking of the last, Han Tao was in trouble.

Yes, as he said, even if it is held again, Mu Yue belongs to marriage. For them, the daughters who get married are almost the same as those who throw it out. Unless it is Xiao Junyan's birthplace, Mu Yue. The Nangong family is still out of reach.

The face of the father and son of Nangong Patriarch who was exposed was a bit embarrassed, but it was indeed the same reason.

Mu Yue is married, unless it is for Xiao Junyan to be married, but this seems to be impossible to say in front of Han Tao, and it is impossible to succeed.

Leaving aside Han Tao, it is estimated that Mu Haixuan was unwilling. After all, the Nangong family had done too many wrongs to them before.

"Come on, if you get married in the secular world at that time, just remember to send us an invitation!" Nangong Patriarch can only helplessly say to Mu Yue.

"Okay, I definitely will!"

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