At the same time, Shangguan Yaoyao also received Mu Yue's request for the wedding of Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan.

"Mu Yue, you are really arrogant, and you want to hold a wedding for your **** mother who is not obedient to women! You really make everyone in the ancient martial arts know about it!" Shangguan Yaoyao held the armrest of the chair with all his fingers. Pinched into the wood, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In Shangguan's slender heart, Nangong Yuehua is a **** who doesn't obey women's way and seduce men everywhere. He is not qualified to hold any wedding, and it is such a grand wedding.

This is simply hitting their Shangguan family in the face and also hitting her in the face.

Her mother's status is special, if it weren't for Nangong Yuehua's bad reputation before, there would be no chance for her to rise.

I thought that Nangong Yuehua would never have an upright wedding in her life, but she did not expect that she received the news today.

Looking at Mu Yue's resentment, he clasped his fists and said to her proposal, "Miss, what should we do? This is the best chance to assassinate Mu Yue now!"

Shangguan Yaoyao heard what he said, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "I know, you don't need to say, this is indeed the best opportunity, since Mu Yue wants to hold a wedding for her shameless mother so much. , Then I will make this wedding her anniversary! This should be a very memorable day!"

In Shangguan's slender heart, the day of the wedding is the day of Mu Yue's death, and the day of her death next year.

"What should the subordinate do?" The subordinate raised his head and asked Shangguan slender.

There was a calculating light flashing in Shangguan Yaoyao’s eyes, he pondered for a while, and said, “You go to investigate the Nangong family, find me an undetected hand-in-law, then kill her, give me her identity information, and I’ll go Pretend to be her!"

It is definitely impossible to kill in a fair manner, and only through other methods can we get revenge.

That being the case, she added poison to the wedding drink, even if she couldn't kill them all, she could still poison them down, without any ability to fight back.

Thinking of this, Shangguan's slender eyes showed a triumphant smile.

"Yes!" Hearing the order, he got up and was about to leave, but he heard the Shangguan's slender drink again, "Wait a minute!"

The subordinate stopped, and turned to look at Shangguan's slender, "Miss, what else do you want?"

Shangguan's eyes are still shining with calculations, "You also go to arrange, and you don't want to leave all of them, go together! Become the guard of the Nangong family!"

"Yes!" The subordinates clasped their fists and obeyed the order.

Shangguan frowned slightly and reminded him, "Okay, you go down to make arrangements, and by the way, also investigate, where exactly are my mom and the others trapped? Is it in the dungeon of the Nangong family!"

Thinking of Nangong Wanting and their whereabouts, Shangguan still couldn't let go of his slender heart.

Even if she was very dissatisfied with Nangong Wanting's identity, she still wanted her to see, see her with her own eyes, how she did it, how did she let Mu Yue die in her own hands.

Nangong Wanting couldn't do it back then, and she can't do it now, so let her do it!


At this time, Mu Yue didn't know that Shangguan Yaoyao, who had never heard from him, thought of them.

But, can Shangguan Slender really do it?

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