Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4073: When the wedding is in progress 2

Zhuge Yan looked up with grievances and pain, and stared at Ye Tianming fiercely. This **** actually dared to bully him.

"You bully me!" Zhuge Yan pointed her finger at Ye Tianming and complained.

Ye Tianming was pointed at by Zhuge Yan's accusation, and he had a hot face and embarrassment. This was something he had never done before, and he always felt that he was doing something that he was referring to.

"I didn't bully you Miss Zhuge!" Ye Tianming spread his hands and said innocently, "You were bullying me just now. I just avoided it. You hurt yourself!"

Zhuge Yan suddenly felt even more wronged. How could this person be so bad, especially the thief's smile on her face, making her teeth tickled with anger, and she wished to trample him under her feet for revenge.

"It's just you bullying me. If you didn't remove your feet, my feet wouldn't hurt!" Zhuge Yan still accused Ye Tianming stubbornly.

Ye Tianming said innocently, "Miss Zhuge, if I don't take my foot away, I will be the one who is hurting now. Don't you just let me hurt? You can't hurt you!"

"Don't you know a gentleman? You are not a gentleman at all, you are simply a big villain!" Zhuge Yan said angrily through gritted teeth.

Ye Tianming touched his nose, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, squatted down on his body, and looked at Zhuge Yan with a smile, "Hey, Miss Zhuge, it seems that you don't know me! I'm a bad guy, she is absolutely Great wicked man, so, don't mess with me, otherwise, hum!"

Zhuge Yan stared at Ye Tianming angrily and fiercely with her beautiful beautiful eyes, really wishing to eat him.

"Damn bastard, how could there be such a bad **** in the world!" Zhuge Yan cursed secretly through gritted teeth.

Ye Tianming watched Zhuge Yan glaringly at herself, feeling that he had bullied her and had done a very glorious thing.

Zhugeyan touched her feet, feeling that the pain in her feet disappeared a little, then slowly stood up, still staring at Ye Tianming ferociously, "You wait for this lady, this lady will never Let go of you!"

Ye Tianming shook his head and said with a triumphant smile, "Hehe, Lord, wait!"

"You..." Zhuge Yan was so angry that she still pointed her finger at Ye Tianming, and finally could only retract her hand, "You wait for me, I will never let you go!"

After letting out the cruel words, Zhuge Yan turned around angrily and went to Zhuge's Patriarch.

Whether it's Xiao Junyan who ignores her or Ye Tianming who bullied her, Zhuge Yan doesn't want to stay here anymore, so let's wait and find a chance again!

After Zhugeyan left, Xiao Junyan also turned around and left the original place. Ye Tianming turned around and squeezed out the crowd when he saw it.

Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming walked out of the hall and ran into Mu Yue who had returned.

"Come back!" Xiao Junyan saw Mu Yue, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and caringly took the little bun in Mu Yue's hands into his arms.

Mu Yue smiled confidently, "Of course, I don't look at who I am. Moreover, this poison is very simple, as long as I ignite it!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and handed a few triangle-shaped yellow things to Ye Tianming, "I gave it to you?!"

Ye Tianming made an OK gesture, "Don't worry, leave it to me, absolutely no problem!"

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