Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4077: Confident Shangguan Slender 2

While everyone was enjoying the food and drink, Shangguan Xiaoyao quickly ran to the banquet with his own people.

Everyone was at the sudden appearance of the person, with a look of confusion and shock on their faces. What happened?

"what happened?"

"Looking at these people's clothes, it seems that they belong to the Nangong family? What are they going to do?"

All the guests looked at Shangguan and the others in surprise and alertness.

Only those who knew Shangguan's slenderness were all exclaimed.

"Shangguan slender, what is she going to do!"

"Damn it, what the Shangguan will do!"

"How does Shangguan fit in the clothes of the maidservant of the Nangong family!"

Everyone looked at Shangguan slender in shock.

When Shangguanxiang saw the appearance of Shangguan Yaoyao and others, who was still wearing the clothes of the Nangong family, how could he not know what was going on?

Suddenly he slapped the table fiercely with anger, "Shangguan slender, what are you going to do!"

Shangguan slender hands on his belly, looked at Shangguanxiang with a sneer, and said mockingly, "Dad, what do you say I am going to do? Of course I am here for revenge!"

"You!" Shangguanxiang pointed an angry finger at Shangguan Slender, "Shangguan Slender, you immediately let your people lay down their weapons, I can be given a lighter punishment!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at Shangguanxiang mockingly, "Punish lightly? Haha, Shangguanxiang, I regard you as a father, but you have never regarded me as a daughter. It used to be, and it is even more so now, since you are unwilling to admit me This daughter, then I don’t have to admit that you are a father! I won’t let you go today!"

Although she was the second young lady of the Shangguan family before, Shangguanxiang had never cared about it, let alone received the care of the head of the family like the young lady of the Zhuge family of the Ouyang family, not at all.

When I met Shangguanxiang giving up the three of them, his mother and daughter, I even hated the father of Shangguanxiang.

"You... naughty girl!" Shang Guanxiang was irritated by Shangguan's slender words, and his face suddenly became flushed.

Shangguan snorted coldly, "Since you don’t want to hand over the position of the head of the Shangguan family to my brother, then I can only kill you here first, and kill all the people here! After I go back, I will do this. Patriarch of the Shangguan family!"

"Bump!" Shangguan started shooting the case, "Shangguan is slender, do you think you can succeed with someone like you?"

Shangguan Slender smiled triumphantly, "Hehe, do you think I am so stupid? I think you are the stupid people. You still don't know that you are poisoned!"

Everyone heard Shangguan's slender words, and everyone's complexion instantly changed, and they stood up from their seats.


"Gosh, I was poisoned, really?"

Everyone stood up in disbelief and checked whether their body was really poisoned.

If it hadn't been for the reminder of Shangguan, they hadn't thought that she would actually be poisoned.

Now that she is wearing the clothes of the maidservant of the Nangong family, it is estimated that she was poisoned by this identity.

The expressions of Shangguanxiang and others also changed, and they quickly checked their physical condition to see if they were really poisoned.

Even Nangong Linfeng and others are no exception, and they have all checked out that their body is indeed poisoned.

Some people who have silverware on their bodies directly inspect the inside of the dishes in front of them.

Seeing that the wine and dishes were actually poisonous, his face suddenly became very ugly.

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